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I was still disorientated from the jump when two people appeared out of seemingly nowhere.

I was dragged to my feet and my arms were tugged behind my back. "Hey watch it!" I tried to say but my words came out slurred. I'd never Infiltrated before and my body was definitely not used to it.

They dragged me along as feeling slowly returned to my legs but that did in no way stop me from tripping over several times.

They finally dragged me all the way to the castle. It seemed to be just a wall but there were small patterns engraved in to the wall my head was heavy as I started at the bottom of the wall and saw two lines starting at the bottom of the wall.

My head felt heavy and my vision was slightly blurred but I lifted my head up to see that the two lines connected into a - a door!

I saw one of my captors press a dagger's point into a little indent in the door.

Locks sounded, about fifteen different locks, before the door slowly opened. As soon as the gap was wide enough I was dragged inside.

How hospitable.

Why did Victoria send me here? Where was here? And what was going to happen to me?

I could finally move me legs again and they seemed to notice too as their grips tightened on my arms but they did slow down to let me walk properly.

I was lead through corridors, up and down stairs, around corners and through outside walkways around the castle. I did, however, notice that we had worked past the same statue three times now which was leading me to believe we were going in circles and I started to pay attention a little more - memorising the path for future reference.

I was led down a set of stairs before finding myself in front of a doorway that resembled that of the entrance except smaller in scale.

One of my captors went through the same routine of jabbing a dagger into an indent in the door, the door opening and I got shoved inside.

I stumbled slightly but quickly caught myself and straightened up. I stared at five people sitting in a row in front of me - two women and three men - and instantly knew where I was and who they were.

One woman had a soft face but her lips were pressed into a thin line while her sky blue  eyes were sharp and alert, promising a painful demise if you disappointed her as liquorice black hair was pulled into a braid. Councillor Camille

The other women had straight red hair that tumbled down her back with grey blue eyes. Councillor Lillian.

One of the men had brown eyes with strawberry blonde curls, he had a more lithe build than the other two men. Councillor Nathaniel.

The second man had midnight blue eyes that seemed to also twinkle with stars, light blonde hair, square shoulders and a more muscular build. Councillor Elijah.

Finally there was Councillor Noah, a man that looked to be born and raised on a battle field with a scar that ran from his cheek bone to his chin, a rugged and sharp face, tight lips and close cropped hair.

I didn't really know what to do as my eyes darted between them all as I tried to think of why I was here of all places. Why did Victoria feel the need to send me here?

"Chase Archer," Camille said and I nodded. "Why are you so late back from your mission?"

Lillian clicked her tongue. "Honestly Camille, don't be so rude, I'm sure there's a perfectly sound explanation."

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