~Çhapter Twęnty-Føur~

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We walked around the school and had to collect every single one of the Chyrxs that Zac scattered around the place.

Zac didn't even know where all of them were! He said he just walked about and placed them anywhere but he didn't know where they all where.

I gagged as I pulled a Chynx out from a shrub outside he school."Why'd you do this?" I asked Zac.

"You really want to know?" He asked and I nodded.

"I need to know why my hands have to now stink for the next year," I said as I scraped slime off my hands on a nearby tree. Poor tree.

"Well maybe I wanted a detention," Zac said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Why would you want a detention?" I asked and he smirked as he found another Chyrx.

"Hmm, maybe because one of my best friends had a detention," he said and wiped his hand at me.

I shrieked as Zac threw Chyrx slime at me."What the heck?" I shouted and he threw some more slime at me.

"You better stop right now or-" I stopped and gagged as Chyrx slime landed on my shirt. If your wondering what Chyrx slime looks like then the best it could be described as is snot.

"Come on Archer, I want you to list the properties of a Chyrx and every time you get one wrong," he held up his slime covered hand."Think of it as a learning experience."

I pulled one out of a tree and threw the slime at Zac but he was expecting it and sidestepped. He looked at me expectantly and I sighed before inspecting the Chyrx.

"They're really, really, really, really, really, really ugly," I said and he laughed.

"I don't think that counts on a test."

"Okay then, uhhh, they stink," I said and Zac made a gesture with his hands that said go on. "They stink because it'll scare away everything and kill everything else," I guessed and he chucked.

"No although it is a good guess. They live typically in swamps so their scent doesn't exactly stick out in the swamp."

"Wait. How did you get so many if they live in swamps?" I asked incredulously and he smirked.

"I have my ways," he said smugly.

"Wow, what a vague and mysterious answer," I said and he shrugged.

"A magician never reveals his secrets," he said with a wink at me.

I rolled my eyes and started walking back to Mrs. Foster's room, our detention was over.

I walked past the lockers and retched as the smell of a Chyrx filled my nose. I stared at Charlotte's locker and my head whipped to Zac, who was standing there, smiling smugly.

"You put one in Charlotte's locker," I whisper shouted and he nodded.

"Of course I did. Why would I possibly miss this kind of opportunity?" He said and pulled a Chyrx out of a classroom before wiping the slime onto Charlotte's locker.

"You know she's gonna blame me for that and I'm gone get even more detentions," I said and he shrugged.

"If you get more detentions I'll find a way to get more," he said nonchalantly.

I looked away to hide my smile and blush. You do really find the best of friends in the most unexpected places.

"Aww. are you blushing Archer?" Zac teased.

I scoffed as I pulled a Chyrx out of some poor persons school bag lying in the hall. R.I.P bag, I'm sorry for the awful fate you've met.

"Aww don't hide it Archer. You're cute when you blush," he said and I glared.

"Did you just call me cute?"

He smirked."Of course."

"Nobody. Calls. Me. Cute." I said slowly and threateningly.

He flicked my nose."Naw you're cute, absolutely adorable, sickeningly sweet-"

I launched myself at him and tackled him to the ground. I straddled him and pinned him to the ground by the shoulders.

"I. Am. Not. Cute!" I shouted and he smirked.

"What is going on here!" A shrill voice cried and I turned to see Mrs. Foster standing there with her arms folded.

"Busted," Zac whispered but he seems to have forgotten we're all Hunters with super bat hearing. I glared at him as I got up.

"I don't want the details of what you've been doing but from now on it looks like I'll have to properly supervise your during detentions," she said and strode off.

"Well...that was awkward," Zac chuckled.

"Seriously? That's your reaction when a teacher finds me straddling you and pinning you to the floor?" I said incredulously but he just smirked.

"Well unless you want me to be straddling-"

"Nope. Nope. Nope!" I shouted and walked away but he jogged up next to me.

"Come on Archer," he said and stepped in front of me."Don't tell me you don't want this," he said and gestured to his body.

I rolled my eyes."I wouldn't be lying if I said no."

I made my way to the lunch hall with Zac pestering me saying he was 'irresistible' and 'has gorgeous hair' while I ignored him and pretended to be listening.

I plopped down next to Lucas and Zac sat next to me, still blabbering away at how 'undeniably sexy' he is.

I turned to Julian with a sigh."Do you have any Sleeping Dust?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Unfortunately not," he said sadly.

"Hey!" Zac whined.

"Please shut up Zac because honestly we have our midterms tomorrow and I don't need a headache," Lucas complained and Zac huffed before slouching in his chair.

"Who's prepared?" I asked and everyone looked down except Lucas.

He grinned."I've revised and I'm confident that I will pass in every subject. I have flash cards you can borrow, or some revision methods, mind maps if you need, how about-"

"Excuse me," a velvety voice said and I breathed a sigh of relief before turned to Mrs. Vixen.

Nobody seemed bothered that she was talking, nobody even seemed aware, they kept going with their own conversations.

I saw agitation flash in her eyes before she took a deep breath and opened her mouth. I frowned in confusion. At first there was no sound but suddenly an ear shattering sound filled the room.

I covered my ears as I felt the sound barrelling through me, shaking my bones and teeth. I clenched my eyes shut and when I opened them every seemed to be doing the same thing I was, some people even fainted.

Eventually the noise subsided and I uncovered my ears. Everyone was looking at Mrs. Vixen in pure shock, eyes wide, mouths agape.

She cleared her throat."I hope I never have to do that again Hunters," she said sounding disappointed before she smiled."Now as I'm sure you all know your midterms are tomorrow. I wish you all the best of luck but as you should also all know, luck won't get you very far. I hope you've been studying hard if not I advise you to study and study hard."

I rolled my eyes. Studying hard? Why? I always cram everything I need to know into my head the night before.

"You all know the consequences if you fail even one subject," she said warningly before sitting down.

Long after she sat down the hall remained quiet. I guess her words hit closer to home then I imagined. People here really care about being redirected or expelled.

The tension in the air was so thick you would have to cut it using a sword.

Should I be worried?

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