~Çhapter Fįfty~

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A week passed and nothing interesting had happened since I came. Stella and Benjamin stopped flinching away from me, I could walk around the pack without the Beta - who I found out is named Jeremiah - and Emma and I even trained everyday.

I destroyed Emma when it came to hand to hand combat and I ended up teaching the best pack fighter a few things.

I barely even counted the days as they flew past, mainly because I knew that my new found happiness wouldn't last and I didn't want to put a number on the days it will.

Yet, when my eyes jolted open on the 25th of December, I still knew that today was Christmas. I almost squealed in delight, it was childish for something like Christmas to mean so much to me, but with everything that's been happening lately I thought that I could use some Christmas joy - maybe even a miracle.

There was a loud knock at the door and I scrambled to the door, flinging it open, expecting to see an annoyed Emma for taking so long but instead found an agitated Jeremiah.

"Alpha and Luna are waiting for you in the living room," he said coldly before walking away.

I was about to shrug off his cold demeanour when I remembered something.

"Wait!" I called before grabbing something from my drawer. "I got you a Christmas present!"

He froze half way down the hall as I ran after him, my bare feet pounding against the wooden floor.

I reached him and shoved his present into his hands. "You've had to deal with me all this time and I just thought that I might as well give you something in return for that. I'm not part of this pack and you have no loyalty to me and yet you didn't kill me in my sleep. So take it."

He sighed through his nose before opening the present to reveal a white box. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow but I nodded at the box. He opened the box and his eyes widened.

He pulled out a butterfly knife from the box. It had a silver handle with intricate designs carved into it as well as a honed blade and I knew that because I was practicing my slight of hand in the Weapons Training room.

"I though as Beta it would be useful to carry around incase... well, incase the pack's attacked; you know, like, how I was supposed to."

Jeremiah looked in awe for a moment before his cold demeanour and scowl returned. He shoved it into his pocket before throwing the box at me.

I caught it and smiled. Sorry but nothing can ruin Christmas for me. He walked away and I saw his fists clenching and unclenching.

I shrugged before walking back into my room. I threw the now empty box in the bin and grabbed everyone else's presents. I knew what Emma and Maya were like and I knew that if I put them downstairs under the tree - which we decorated a few days ago - then they would take more than a little peek.

I carried them downstairs, being careful not to drop any as I ran down the stairs. I placed them under the tree and turned to see Emma, Benjamin, Stella an Maya sitting around opening all the cards the pack members gave them.

That's another thing - pack members - I never realised before but the entire town I grew up in was essentially made up of Lycans.

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