preach and sinners....2

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Zayn let out a breath as he began to walk toward the locker 212 in one direction he ignored every look he was receiving from literally everyone as soon as he arrived he touched thee other persons shoulder making the person to flinch and spin as soon as their eyes met the person blushed

"Uh zayn what are you doing here" the person asked

"Will you go out with me"zayn asked

"W-what" the person stammerers

"I want to go out with you" zayn says before noticing how rude he sounded

"Am sorry for sounding so rude am just nervous I just really like you and" zayn started to rant

"Yes"the person cheered

" yes what"Louis asked suddenly appearing beside zayn making zayn's eyes to widen in panic

"Nothing mind your business" zayn says to Louis nervously

"Yes zayn I will go out with you" the person says making zayn freeze in shock Louis eyes widen

"What" Louis yelled

"I Louis don't hate me for not telling you"zayn started to say

"I just can't believe you asked liam out am happy for you" Louis cheered


As soon as zayn entered the house his parent's noticed he had a big smile on his face unknown to them it was fake as soon as zayn ran down the stairs for dinner he put on that smile again

How To Be Wrong //ZaylenaWhere stories live. Discover now