-*que jeopardy song*-

Morning light came in through one of the windows and the poorly insulated walls of the castle betrayed the cold air outside. When I got downstairs to the great hall I could smell the fried sausages and I could hear the loud chatter of students who looked forward to a nice Quidditch match.

I sat down next to Hermione who was trying to coax Harry to have some food before the match.

"You've got to eat some breakfast."
"I don't want anything."
"Just a bit of toast," wheedled Hermione.
"I'm not hungry."

Was the conversation that ensued before they noticed me here, I was already filling my plate with food. "Harry, you need your strength," I heard Seamus Finnigan say, "Seekers are always the ones who get clobbered by the other team."

I rolled my eyes, "Thanks Seamus." Harry muttered as Seamus piled ketchup on his sausages. I just laughed softly and kept eating.

-Time skip again, I'm sorry-

By eleven o'clock everyone was sitting in the stands around the Quidditch pitch. A bunch of people had binoculars since it was hard to see the broom flying players sometimes during the game.

Ron and Hermione joined Neville, Seamus, Dean, and I up in the top row. As a small surprise we had a large hand painted banner that read Potter For President with a large Gryffindor lion head drawn by Dean, who was very good at drawing. Also the paint flashed different colors due to a charm that Hermione put on it so we had really gone all out on the cheesy factor.

Madam Hooch was in the middle of the field as a referee, she was waiting fir the two teams just as the rest of us were.

"Now, I want a nice fair game, all of you." She announced once the teams gathered in the pitch. We all clapped and cheered for Harry as he glanced over at us.

"Mount your brooms please." Madam Hooch said and the players followed orders, there was a sharp crisp sound from her whistle and they were off.

The Weasley Twin's friend Lee Jordan, it was hard to keep up since he was talking really fast, the professers yelled at him whenever he started to go a little off course though, as far as I could tell Gryffindor won a point and cheers filled the air along with boos from the Slytherins.

"Budge up there, move." I heard a deep voice say and I turned to see

"Hagrid!" Ron and Hermione squished closer to me to let Hagrid have some space to sit.

"Bin watchin' from me hut," said Hagrid, patting a rather large pair of binoculars around his neck, "But it isn't the same as bein' in the crowd. No sign of the Snitch yet, eh?"

"Nope," said Ron. "Harry hasn't had much to do yet."

"Kept outta trouble, though, that's somethin'," said Hagrid, raising his binoculars skyward to look at the speck that was Harry.

I was never much of a fan of muggle sports like football or soccer but Quidditch was amazing as we watched Harry and the Slytherin Seeker, Terence Higgs, both took a nose dive towards what must have been the Snitch. I clapped loudly for Harry but then screamed when suddenly Slytherin team Captian, Marcus Flint, blocked him on purpose!

"Foul!!" I yelled with the other Gryffindors as Madam Hooch talked to Flint, giving the Gryffindors a free shot at the goal posts.

A few more munites of gameplay passed when I looked up at where Harry had been, his broom was going nuts! Jerking him in all different directions, Hagrid had noticed too.

"What's going on with Harry's broomstick?" Hagrid asked, Hermione and Ron looked up at that moment as well, Hermonie picked up a pair of binoculars and gazed over the stands.

"It's Snape! He's jinxing the broom!" She gasped, Ron turned to her with wide eyes, "Jinxing the broom?! What do we do?" He asked.

Hermione looked determined, "Leave it to me." She insisted before disappearing in the mob of students, I picked up the binoculars she left and peered over at the teachers stand. I suddenly saw her face pop up between the seat and the floor, she said something that I couldn't see or hear from this far away and I saw the bottom of Snape's robes catch fire!

One of the teacher yelled something, presumably notifying Snape that his coat was quickly becoming ash, and there was a great deal of commotion. Snaps jumped up to put out the fire and he knocked over Quirrel who was sitting in front of him.

I heard cheers and looked back at the game where Harry was now chasing after a small fleck of gold that I could barley keep track of, "GO HARRY!" I screamed as he stood up on his broom and leaned forwards to catch the snitch.

He tripped and tubled across the ground, a loud "Ooo," was heard throughout the crowd. But Harry stood up, he was looking a little wobbley.

"Looks like he's gonna be sick!" Hagrid stated as Harry kneeled over, and something popped out of his mouth. It was the snitch!

Lee could be heard again, over the speakers and the loud cheers as he said, "He's got the Snitch! Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the Snitch!" Harry held up the snitch in his hand. The match was over! We won! ((The world turned upside down!! I had to, I'm sorry))


Hey guys, I know I disappeared again and I apologize. So this extra long chapter is for you guys, who doesn't love Quidditch???


Unnecessary Love Story ~Harry Potter x reader x Draco Malfoy~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora