And Then There Were More

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She didn't know how or when but suddenly, she could feel the glare of lights above her. It was a sudden feeling, that she was conscious after so long. She tried to move the fingers in her right hand a little but only her pinkie agreed to the motion. She groaned inwardly, why did this have to happen to her?

Her whole body felt sore and her mouth was as dry as a dessert. All she wanted right now was a bath and a cold drink of water. She was about to press the button and request a nurse when she heard the door open. She couldn't say she was happy to see her parents but she still felt a feeling of lightness as she saw them. Even though they were so horrible, they were still her family.

And maybe, just maybe, she loved them.

Her mother closed her mouth to stop the sob as she ran to Idunu's side. She was muttering something but Idunu couldn't hear her since she had her face buried in her hospital gown. Idunu's father was as cold as usual but she saw the glint of a tear running down his cheek.

"I'm so so sorry, my dear." Idunu's mother said as she pulled away from Idunu so she could cradle her round face in her hands. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." She replied softly. The words felt weird in her mouth, those were the first words she had spoken in a very long time. Her father came forward and placed his hand softly on her head. If he felt her flinch, he didn't show it. "We were so worried, I'm so glad you're back and the doctor said you can be discharged as soon as they run a few tests to see if you're okay."

Idunu looked up at him and tried for a smile. She was in a coma, but she still remembered. Everything.

It took a little prodding but Idunu got her parents to give her a little alone time. She just wanted to have the room to herself. Where was he anyway? She hadn't seen him in so long, she'd even thought he'd be the first one she'd see even before her parents.

Just when she was about to take a soft nap. She heard the door open again. She was about to meekly shout at her parents when she recognised those scruffy shoes and a skinny arm holding a Darth Vader mask.

She almost screamed in glee, Michael looked as handsome as ever. But there was something off about him, he seemed edgier now. Like a lot of things had happened when she was gone. Her smile was taken down as fast as it had come up when she saw that Michael didn't come alone.

Michael, sensing Idunu's hostility, quickly started talking. "Idunu, it's okay, she's cool now. She even has something to say to you."

Shiv stepped forward with her head down, her hair had grown longer during this time, and she had gained a little weight. "Idunu, I'm so sorry about what I did... I was just being stupid and idiotic and—"

"It's okay," she said for the second time that day. Not meaning either one.

Michael rushed in unexpectedly and gave her a huge bear hug. And he whispered into her ear, "I missed you so much, you can't imagine." Normally, this would have made Idunu's heart warm up, but something else about Michael was off.

He smelt like Shiv's perfume.

Idunu tried to put it out of her head as Michael brought in a few chairs so he and Shiv could sit down and they could all talk.

They talked about the recent things and stuff she had missed. Things in school, celebrity gossip and everything in between. Idunu participated in the conversation but it was half-heartedly. Michael was sitting awfully close to Shiv and neither of them seemed to mind. It was almost like they were... together.

As they were about to go, Shiv said she wanted to go to the bathroom and Idunu saw her opportunity to ask the question that had been burning inside her for so long.

"Michael?" she asked.

"Yeah, what's up? Are you okay? Do you need me to call the nurse or someone else?" he replied, almost leaping off his seat.

"No, it's not any of that," she said as she smiled at his response. "it's just... I want to ask you something."

"Yeah, sure, ask away."

"Are you and Shiv a thing?"

Michael paused for a minute before replying. And the answer she had dreaded came out from his mouth. "Yes."

"Oh, okay." She replied, making it seem nonchalant and unserious. No matter what she felt, she didn't want to interfere with Michael's happiness even if it cost her hers.

As Shiv came back, Michael stood up and came towards Idunu and kissed her softly on her forehead. "I love you." He said softly as he dropped the Darth Vader mask on her lap.

She didn't know why but that sounded a lot like a goodbye and for the very first time, she looked at that damn mask with the most scorn she could muster. 

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