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*Imperfect_beautyy  thanks a lot for this cover! If you're looking for a cover, she's one of the best.

Dedicated to assumandy

"Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in. So shame on me now."
-Taylor Swift.

Kenton POV

I could see the little hints of green in her eyes showing terror. Those eyes were perfectly made for her.

Couldn't just stop staring into them. My gaze shifted from her eyes to her pink lips.

I slightly leaned in, my lips barely brushing hers and the tip of her nose slightly poked mine. But before I could finish the mistake I was about to make, I felt an utter pain on my nose.

She head-butted my nose. Heck!

Immediately, I dropped her down. She landed on the ground with her butts.

"Ouch!"she choked up the words. I was more concentrated on my aching nose that had blood coming out.

Adjusting her top as she stood up, she looked at me, more hatred obviously showing.

"Do you have a problem with listening? Or are you retarded? Cause I clearly recall telling you not to ever cross my path!"she spat out.

I was totally baffled but I still kept a stern and straight face. She really had the nicest way of speaking.

Note the sarcasm.

"Do you also have a problem with saying thank you? Because I just saved you the pain of a twisted ankle or broken rib." I questioned her back.

She scoffed and responded with another shout.

"What the hell are you doing here?! Did I ever ask you for help?!!" "I couldn't dare, because I know how bad of a luck you are. Like I told you before, you have a bad omen, go do some deliverance!"she yelled.

I chuckled a bit then turned straight to an impassive look.

"Oh come on! You say that and yet you kept glancing at me through out the class, thinking I didn't notice. I guess I could be all that charming to someone like you. " I said emphasizing more on the charming word, forming a fake smile.

Believe me, that was my way of escaping. Using the idea of her trip and the fact that I caught her glancing at me.

She didn't show any sign of shock. Or an expression to show that she was being caught in the moment.

"And besides, it's only once you encountered something bad with me. So why the whole yelling?" I demanded.

She rolled her eyes, pacing back and forth while I just stood there staring.

"Really? You think I kept glancing at you because you're charming? Hell with you!" "Yes, when I saw your face, I nearly fainted."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2017 ⏰

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