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January 23; 9:16am.

Cassie POV

Well, a whole nice week passed by fast. I was grateful that I didn't get to see that godforsaken jerk.

Thanks to that asshole, I became quite popular during the week. I had most eyes on me whenever I walked through the corridor or hallway. I couldn't feel less embarrassed. I even got a name from Calum. Peeping girl. How nice. But mine was better than what he called Ashley. Dog fur. Exactly what I had said before.

I couldn't stop laughing at the thought of it.

I hung out a lot with The Triplets and the rest of the guys except him. Also, I found out a lot of things since I was very close to the triplets. I got to know that they were from Korea but they're mom was an American. Which was totally cool.

Keira and I also became close after what happened with Ken. We both had German and Spanish lectures together. She was really a nice person. Most especially James, her boyfriend, he was so loving.

I remember that night when he took me home. He was totally awesome. A guy who risked his jacket to cover my stained-ripped gown. On our way, he just spoke to me about the school, himself and Keira. I asked a lot of questions though, especially about him and Keira. I kept wondering how they met.

"Well, she just moved to this environment and also this school. She was the new girl in school just like you. Then we started talking through a friend of mine." he said looking away from the road to my direction. "Okay, so just then we both found out each others feelings and I asked her out. That's all."

I just nodded. Like the story was sticking to my head but I just didn't believe it. It felt like there was a part missing. But I overlooked it. Didn't want to be the girl that could make you feel burdened or that asks a lot of questions. Which would make you regret ever talking to her. You know.

"I really like you guys relationship. You really fit each other. Especially Keira. I love her charisma. She so nice and pretty." I said smiling.

"Thanks." he said as he parked in front of my house.  "And I really hope you enjoy your period in EHS. Its really a good place. Not because of one incident means that the rest of the students are like that."

"Yeah... I think I know that. Don't worry, I don't plan on thinking that way." I assured him.

He was someone most girls would be dying to date. Every time we all hung out,  I could really tell that James loved Keira.

I didn't like the idea of always being at home alone after school. So I finally did some research on a place where they did dance training. Since I was very good at dancing especially cheorography. I decided that I was going to apply for a part-time job. At the least, it'll while away the time that I used at home doing nothing and also I'd gain money.

Well, back to where I was. I had Chemistry class and since I and Ash became practical partners, it could never be less fun. I enjoyed all my practicals because of her, we were like total besties.

Though Amanda is quite the I-don't-talk-much type, she was still cool to hang out with. And the rest of the boys. Within few hours, I was done with Chemistry practicals.

"Whatcha doing after school today? Wanna come hang out at my place? And have an only girls night. You, Me, Keira and Juliet."

Yeah.... Juliet is Amanda. They aren't used to calling each other by the name everyone knows them as, except Drew. And Ash kind of has this special way of speaking. Like if she wants to say, What are you doing? She'll say, Whatcha doing? Funny right?

Same with Amanda, she has this ch factor. She says shurch instead of church. But it feels so magically awesome to me.

"Totally! I'll be there but not so early. I have a place to go to after school so when I'm done,  I'll come over quickly." I said giving her an heart filled smile.

"Oh no problem dear. I'll let the rest of the girls know. So catcha later." the orange haired waved me off as we separated.

According to my schedule, I had Economics which was once in two weeks. It was compulsory for everyone to pick a borrowed course. And the only options I had were Creative Art, Geography, Technical Drawing and Economics. I hated all the options but I Economics was far better of so I decided to pick it.

I walked into room 709, where I was supposed to have the class. This time around I didn't gain much attention unlike before. My story or better I should say, the gossips had decided to drop my case,  which I was totally grateful for.

The teacher was quite late. Though I was happy deep down. Pls, let the class be cancelled. I prayed silently in my mind. I only had Economics for the day. So if it were to be cancelled, I would have a lot of time to visit the place that I wanted to start working at.

Sadly enough, the teacher entered the room. I could feel the unhappiness in me at that point. He started by calling the names of the students that would be taken his course. Then he took the attendance. This took like fifteen minutes of his period before he told us all to bring out whatever we wanted to use to jot down.

I started ransacking through my bag for my special pen. I loved that pen so much because it brings out my best handwriting. I could hear Mr Economics say, "You are late. Let it not repeat itself again please." to probably some students that just entered. I didn't care who. All I just wanted was to find the damned pen, finish this class and get the hell out.

My head was still buried down, into my bag when I was tapped. "Is someone here?" the deep voice asked. "Actually n-" I was shocked when I looked up to see, who else but the world's most baddest jerk. Kenton.

"Yes. The seat is taken." I said glaring at him. He just nodded his head and went to sit at my back. Just then, James appeared and asked if the seat was taken. "No,  it's not. You can sit down." "Thanks." he whispered into my ear. I felt the tingle it gave me. I gave him my flirtatious smile ever.

Yup, I know. That was totally childish of me.


AN: hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did,  please don't forget to click the star button down. Also you could drop some comments down or any questions you feel you wanna ask. I'll be glad to reply you. Thanks again guys. Love 💞 Joicee.

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