Chapter 5- The Love That Was Lost Is Found

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Chapter 5

Cyndaris had started the debate on whether to give up the illusion Thranduil had seemingly gazed with ease through. She wanted to tackle the wine left for her as another test by him, she wanted to rip up this dress she was forced to wear for the role, she wanted to gather her weapons and go and hunt something, anything as long as she was no longer here. Worst of all, she was due for a haircut.

But then again, Cyndaris was no quitter. And she had brought herself here for a good reason.

It wasn't a long and thorough cry Cyndaris had, she pulled it together in less than three minutes. It was enough to snap her to her senses, and quickly fix all the little things giving her away from all of yesterday. She would continue to do as he says, no matter what.

For the Kingdom, For my Friends; she continued to tell herself.

For the rest of the day she was left alone to fester. She had already taken a bath that morning, and washed her face again after crying. She had read most books placed in the King's chambers because they were his favorites, favorites she had led him to read. She couldn't sleep, knowing he could be back at anytime. No one had visited the chambers, which gave her concern for Tauriel. Had she confessed to bringing Cyndaris there? Was she just trying to keep some type of cover? Cyndaris had no clue, and it frustrated her to no end. So, she decided to do what the adventuring part of her called for her to do: Search.

Starting with the closet, Cyndaris ran her hand over the rich materials that made up Thranduil's wardrobe. There were so many choices, that in all her years knowing the royal elf she had seen but few compared to the vast collection. Of course, there was her 'section'. Reviewing them, Cyndaris seemed to notice for the first time a brown pattern sticking out like a sore thumb on the rack. Pulling gently, she was surprised to discover her hunting and traveling outfit. Slacks and tunic, weapons belt with no weapons attached. It was polished and almost a replica of her day-to-day outfit back in Hobbiton. Compared to all the heavy, mostly scandalous dresses hanging around it, it was a breath of fresh air for Cyndaris.

Another test, she thought, for me to give up my conquest and run away. Cyndaris knew from the time Thranduil failed to lock up the balcony doors that he was tempting her to run away. A taunt saying she didn't want to be back, even though he was scared of losing her again he would do it to get a win. This is what Cyndaris despised about Thranduil now, he truly does not care for her or have feelings whatsoever. He just wants to have his power over her.

Quickly backing out of the closet, Cyndaris hesitantly approached her vanity. The brush the maids left were there, a bowl of fresh leaves and decor for an elf's hair were present, and a small pillow. There were six drawers surrounding Cyndaris' legs, fit into the cubby of the desk set. Four of the six were completely empty, disappointing her. But what she did find, in the last two drawers, was disheartening.

First, she opened the drawer to be greeted with a pair of scissors. Specially made for cutting hair, they gleaned in the light of day streaming in from the balcony. Cyndaris became hopeful, thinking of them as a weapon before realising why they had been truly provided. Slamming the drawer shut, she almost didn't check the last one. And maybe she wished she hadn't.

The content of the last drawer brought a flood of emotions Cyndaris held in tight for years, the content contained was thought to have been lost. The content had been tossed from she-elf to she-elf throughout her days. Gently picking up the object, Cyndaris' fingers caressed it with so much care it surprised her.

This was the tiara that had been promised to her, but handed to her sister. This was the tiara that burdened her sister until her death. This tiara was last seen placed upon Legolas' mother's head, until her death. This tiara held tragedy and unlocked memories of Cyndaris' past that were willed away to hide forever in her mind. Recollecting on these thoughts, she was glad it never reached her head. It seemed to without a curse of sorts, killing those who were destined to wear it. Then again, maybe it would have never reached her sister if she had just accepted her fate in the first place.

Cyndaris held back the tears this time, and looked up to see two figures in the mirror and not just herself. Her instinct was to grab the scissors and turn to face the elf, but after a registration of who it was she pondered if she ever heard them walk in.

"I know it is hard for you to return, and to face this past you hide away from every creature who attempts to help. Not even those apart of it know the full tale. I'm truly sorry it's had to come to this. I should have never asked you-"

"It's fine. I'm here not to dwell on myself." In saying this, Cyndaris quickly placed the tiara back into the drawer and close it. Standing up, she turned to be face-to-face with Tauriel. "He figured through my facade this morning. Knew I was being fake, of sorts. He still doesn't know why i'm here, only that it's not for myself."

Tauriel scowled, "Then why not become yourself again? This is the person that changed him in the first place, not..." Her eyes traveled from each change presented by the currency of Cyndaris.

"I understand, but that becomes too risky for myself to become so involved that it could become...real again." Cyndaris voiced her concerns.

"Aren't you here on the whim of yourself? Maybe it will do you good to attempt to resolve this."

"I am here to save this kingdom! Do not scrutinize whatever way I try, since I am at least doing that."

Tauriel bowed, "As you wish." Cyndaris frowned, but let her walk out nonetheless.

It was a few more hours before the return of Thranduil. When he returned he seemed very weary, heading straight to the washroom with a glass of wine without even addressing Cyndaris. She sighed, turned to one side of the bed and closed her eyes. She was not asleep, however. So when the King returned back into the main chamber, and spied her laying there, Cyndaris was aware of everything he said or did.

She heard the pouring of wine, the dip in the bed, felt the fiery gaze upon her. She debated whether to open her eyes, instead deciding to see what happened next. He spoke of many sayings in elvish, calling her beautiful, and many other variations of the word. She felt no notion of touching against her skin, and realized she was still in the torcherous thick dress. She had to 'wake up', so she could change. Stirring slowly, Cyndaris turned and opened her eyes where she knew he was seated on the bed.

They made eye contact, and Cyndaris hitched her breath. His torso was bare, although he wore a robe loosely draped over his shoulders. His long, silky hair was smoothed out to flow softly from his head. His gaze on her held so much passion, she was brought back to when she first saw that gaze.

After sneaking out to see him, since she had been alone in her chambers and couldn't sleep, they had talked until she fell asleep in his bed. She had never knew he had any interest in her, considering she had run away from Lothlorien, and at the time Thranduil had not known she was an heir until Madlyn came to live there as his betrothed. He had leaned down, and she was shown his true affections.

Therefore, when history proceeded to repeat itself Cyndaris was too caught up in her own memory to stop him. His lips descended on hers, and she kissed him back. There was so much passion it took all of Thranduil's will power to pull away. Cyndaris because fully aware again after his action, and stood up to position herself three feet away from him.

He continued to stare at her, no words breaking the tense air surrounding them. She finally turned, announcing she had to change before walking into the closet.

Within, she sunk down to her knees. She had let her first wall break and crumble, giving him exactly what he wanted. The love was adamant from both hearts once again.  

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