Chapter 4- A Warrior, Not An Actress

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          "What a welcoming reunion, my love. Making a fool out of me in my own kingdom." His voice was growing more cold as he spoke. Cyndaris knew that once, she was safe with this elf. Now she was treading dangerous grounds, she needed to be cautious. "I told you I would return." I just don't know what I've returned to.

            He let out a fracture of a chuckle, and suddenly, almost painfully, tightened his grip around her. Cyndaris gasped and grabbed on to his upper arm, not liking her vulnerability in this situation. "Yes, but love I know you. And the way you looked at me when you were up on my throne was the same way you looked at me the last time we saw each other, and the last time you visited upon my kingdom unwillingly. With spite, with....hatred."

            Thranduil moved Cyndaris' hair to hang off the right shoulder, as he eyed her from her left side. "This means you are still unwilling to be here. Someone has pleaded you to come back, because being the heroic character you are, you wouldn't resist coming. So why are you here Cyndaris? Because I know it's not for me...or for you."

             Cyndaris was tense as all hell, but she knew what test this was. Turning her head to face him, she was met by his intense stare. His eyes gave nothing away but his mistrust for the she-elf form clung in his embrace. "I am here for you. I am here because that's where I need to be, with you."

             Thranduil didn't break their intense gaze, and if he was affected at all by Cyndaris' proclamation, he didn't show it. But his grip loosened, released, and he backed away into the room. Following him, Cyndaris shut the balcony doors and came to a halt when she realized where he was heading. "Still too modest, my love?" He spoke as he gathered his attire to change into after his time on the washroom connected to the chambers. "I expect wine to be set for me when I get out."

             Thranduil didn't speak to Cyndaris after his return in a more relaxed appearance. She set his drink, as commanded. But she did not set one for herself. She watched as maids came in and out, unashamedly flirting with the King instead of completing their actual jobs.

              Cyndaris hadn't put much effort into striking a conversation either, trying to keep to herself in the open chamber with the King. She mostly sat, didn't pick up any books, although tempted. Cyn didn't go to the extra vanity set out for her either.

               Night fully fell, and Cyndaris was mortified at the true challenge. The bedding situation. She was surprised when Thranduil scooted into the bed next to her, letting her be on the farthest part of the bed she could get away from him. It didn't last long, after she heard relaxed breathing she took a throw blanket located at the foot of the bed, to the couch facing away from the bed. It wasn't the most uncomfortable sleeping situation, and Cyn fell asleep quickly.

In the morning, she attempted conversation.

             "Did you have a good sleep?" She asked when he was awaken by her exiting the washroom, in a new floral gown embedded in gold and green. He ignored her, and went to get ready himself.

            Cyndaris was dwelling on it throughout the morning, though. When he found her located at her designated vanity attempting to brush out her below-the-shoulder length hair, he had stopped for a moment in his process of moving, and made eye contact with her through the mirror.

              After a moment, "Why are you ignoring me?" Came out in almost a whisper from Cyndaris' mouth. She quickly stood and spun, having to look up at him due to lack of height.

            "Why are you here?" He was searching her face, still stern in his looks.

             "Because I want to be here, with you, my King." Cyndaris replied after a moment. He looked at her disgusted.

               "Stop lying to me. Yesterday, you said the same thing, yet have nothing to show for it. I expect the first thing to come out of your mouth to be a complaint about the attire you are forced to wear. But you haven't mentioned it at all. You resist drinking wine, because you need to be fully aware in case I try something, correct? You showed no sign of jealousy towards my maids, and you leave my bed when you think I'm sleeping because you cannot stand to be next to me. You show me absolute submission, and that is not like you at all. 'My King'? That you only ever used for spite. You try no games with me, and your hair..."

              Thranduil's hand made a soothing movement towards Cyndaris' hair, making her flinch. She hopes he doesn't notice, but of course he did. "See. You always challenged me, fighting against my dominance." He frowned, and Cyndaris put her hands on his shoulders in an attempt to not be useless.

              He stepped closer to her, squinting at her as if he was trying to find something out. "Your face..." He cupped her chin in his hands, and rubbed a thumb over where only he knew her scars were concealed. "Kiss me."

              Cyndaris, listening to his words, hitched a breath. She remained motionless as Thranduil drew nearer. As he attempted to lower his lips onto hers, she gave a tug against him that made him pull back. "That's what I thought."

              Cyndaris' hands flew to her mouth, "I'm sorry." She croaked as her eyes filled with tears. When was the last time I cried? I don't even remember....years ago....Thorin...

Sinking to the floor as Thranduil left her alone, Cyndaris wept.  

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