Chapter 1~ Won't Do At All

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Cyndaris' stealthy actions meant life or death to her at the moment. She had a plan, and she was not willing to let any guards get in her way.

Growing up in Mirkwood, or the Greenwood back then, helped greatly in her decisions. Stop here, go there, avoid that, and so on.

"You are gonna get us in so much trouble Cyn!" Her sister's voice echoed behind her, 2 pairs of light elven footsteps followed her. "We'll be fine! Right Tauriel?" She called out as they jogged through the forest, the number of spider webs increasing as they closed the distance.

"Uh...Right." The ginger she-elf replied, gazing wearily as they passed the tight-knit webs.

"See, she trusts me sis! What, too scared to loose your betrothed if you have a little fun now?" Cyndaris taughtened. Madlyn's jog slowed, not to a complete stop but close enough. "About that..."

Madlyn's voice had been so low her sister hadn't even acknowledged her words. Cyndaris had stopped and had her head tilted up towards the sky. The She-Elves hadn't even noticed the glooming shadow set over the area. "Cyndaris!" Tauriel screeched and body slammed the warrior into a tree, away from the looming shadow falling to where she once stood.

"C-Cyn...." Madlyn's voice wavered as she started into the piercing eyes of a gigantic spider.

Knocked back by the impact, Cyndaris was trying to gather her senses as another blow took her straight to the chest, this one obviously not ment to do harm, but still sent her back stumbling.

Cyndaris saw flashes of blonde, felt the rip in the air of arrows, and heard the clash of sword. She had fallen onto her back, and was struggling to sit back up.

From behind, strong hands pulled her up by the arms and her head lulled forward to be face-to- face with the corpse of a dead spider, and Tauriel inspecting it.

The hands let her go as she heard, "Care to explain why I had to come and save you?"

Soon Cyndaris was standing in front of the gates, which were twice as guarded as they normally were. "I see what Tauriel is saying..." She muttered, deciding to round the way she had exited the last time she was here with the dwarves. She sighed at the thought.

"Prince I..." Cyndaris went down to one knee, glancing at Madlyn who was standing beside Thranduil. "I'm sorry for the disturbance."


She did.

"You are glad I won't tell my father?" He questioned.

"Of course, my Prince. I am very grateful." Cyndaris replied.

"As am I." Tauriel added.

He nodded, "Let us return home."

Cyndaris pulled her cloak tighter, anxiety setting in at the thought of her plan. Why question herself now? She was far too close to back out. She bounded the steps next to the barrel pull down.

The wine cellar was empty, it had seemed to be untouched for quite a while. "What, no parties? Shouldn't they be grateful they are still alive?" Cyndaris started a conversation with the darkness.

"That's what I told him." A feminine voice responded. Cyndaris flinched, readying her sword. "Don't worry, its just an old friend." A glow of candles showed in the Wood Elf's vision. Standing before her was Tauriel, Captain of the Guard.

"Tauriel!" She whispered, "Come on, I have an idea." Grabbing an empty tray, filling two abandoned goblets with wine, she handed it to the the She-Elf.

"What were you going to tell me earlier?" Cyndaris asked her sister as she stripped herself of her leather gloves and sword belt.

"I had... I had a vision last night. One that involved you...and the future king." Madlyn replied.

"Really? What's it about? You don't seem to pleased." Cyndaris commented, curious.

"It was...strange. You two were together. You were wearing a crown, although still in your armor." She giggled.

"Guess some things never change sister." She smirked. "Continue."

"You were treating me... like a little kid. I still can't figure out one thing..." She mumbled, crossing her arms.

"Well Madlyn, not every vision comes true, your Mother taught you this." Cyndaris pulled some stray leaves from her hair.

"Our Mother, Cyn." Madlyn tried to correct.

"Madlyn, you know how I feel about that."

"Yeah...I know."

Cyndaris had explained her plan to Tauriel, she kept her head down as Tauriel lead her to the Throne Room like a prisoner, she had the tray hidden in her hands under the cloak.

Two guards were standing at the door. "You two! Get the King! This is urgent!" Tauriel command, they went off at her order.

Cyndaris followed her through the big golden doors, pulling her hood down and shaking her shoulder-length hair out.

"Still hasn't grown out?" Tauriel commented.
"Nope." Cyndaris giggled, climbing up the steps to the Throne.

"Lets hope this works."

"Oh it will, trust me, I've seen it." Cyndaris smirked, untying her cloak, and climbing on top of the throne to sit on the Elk antlers.

"Still haven't changed." Tauriel shook her head as Cyndaris set the tray down onto the actual seat of the throne, taking a goblet.

Tauriel started to back out of the room and shut the doors. Not soon later, she heard heavy footsteps and her stomach did a little flip.

Cyndaris shook her head and crossed her legs, leaning back, looking quiet comfortable.

"What is this?!" A familiar deep voice called in a gruff voice, obviously not pleased to be pulled out of his task of whatever.

Won't that change... Cyndaris thought ask the doors cracked opened.

He was walking through the doors, not even noticing her yet. He looked just the same as the last time she saw him. He had not aged at all. He wore his hair similar, long golden hair under a crown woven to perfection. His scowl did not disappear until he looked up and saw Cyndaris.

She just smirked. "Hello, your Grace. This is quite an uncomfortable seat, I wonder how you do it all the time, I've actually got word you haven't been sitting here in a long time. That just won't do."

Cyndaris gestured him forward.


Chapter 1! This is gonna be fun!

 I only own my Ideas, Originals to Tolkien!

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