They Call him Alpha I Call him Mate

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AN: I must say I am obsessed with werewolves. This story will be kind of a rejection story and kind of not. Anyways this is chapter one I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 1:

"Miss Brooklyn Summers." My teacher called. My head snapped up. I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep. It was a late night for me.

"Yes sir?" I asked like nothing happened. People snickered amongst me an I rolled my eyes.

"Did you have a nice nap miss Summers?" He asked clearly annoyed.

"I would have if I hadn't been woken up." I said.

"Miss Summers may I remind you that you are on the verge of failing this class?" He said. My cheeks went on fire. I cannot believe he just said that.

I said nothing and he went back to teaching. I sat with my brows furrowed at the back with Alex next to me laughing his ass off. Alex and I were best friends since we were little. My father is alpha my mother is Luna an his parents are the beta's. I shook my head at him and when the bell rang I stormed out of that idiots class. One of these days I will tell him off so badly, he was an old cranky geezer for crying out loud. Like holy shit it's the end of the semester I have two days left and the last day he will hear it.

Yes I was eighteen and headed to college after school. I was studying sociology even though I will be future alpha I still wish to go to school.

"I can't believe he said that. On the last day I'm going to fucking tell him off so badly." I growled almost shaking.

"It's alright who cares what he thinks? Now come on we have guests who are coming over tonight."

"Oh yea..."I said remembering what my mother told me.

I shut my locker and walked outside with Alex and to my Dodge Charger. A gift from daddy. I started it up and Alex got into the passenger side.

"So who is coming over?" I asked.

"Some new pack. The alpha is apparently ruthless and doesn't take shit." He explained.

"Sounds like he's got a stick up his ass." I said turning on my signal light and turning.

"Yea your mom told me to warn you about him." He was acting quite weird.

"Why?" I asked.

"You will find out." He said shrugging. I didn't say anything as I pulled into the pack house driveway. I got out and followed Alex inside.

I went through my bag for my phone as I walked into the kitchen.

"Oh, Brooklyn there you are." My mom greeted.

"Hello Luna." I said respectfully. Although I was their only child I still had to be respectful.

"Brooklyn say hello to our guests." my father ordered. I grabbed my phone and looked up and my eyes immediately landed on him. He was dressed in a black suit and a black dress shirt with the top three buttons undone. He was tanned with tousled light brown hair. He had crystal blue eyes and high cheek bones and a strong jaw.

I just couldn't help but stare.

He was the definition of beautiful. If you look up the word in the dictionary it would just be a picture of him.

It made my skin tingle and heat to pool between my legs.

"Hello , nice to meet you." I smiled shaking their hands, when I met his my hand was enveloped in warmth. He had a stern look on his face. Almost like he wasn't pleased.

"I'm sorry but I must go get changed." I said.

"Honey...Did something happen at school?" My mom asked.

"No, why?" I lied. I would not let her know about that old geezer.

"Really? Mr.Toms called." She stated.

"He embarrassed me infront of the whole class! Utterly disrespectful!" I said freaking out. She sighed and I shut my mouth.

"My apologies Luna. It won't happen again." I said leaving. I could never have proper talks with my mom. I always had to be formal.

I walked upstairs and into my room and dropped my bag. I grabbed a brush and brushed out my light brown hair. I changed into shorts and a simple t-shirt.

I walked out to go to my bathroom. As I was tying up my hair I was stopped by someone. I looked up into the eyes of the man that screamed mate. I was right about to jump him but I controlled myself.

"Uhm...Can I help you?" I asked. He growled possesively and walked towards me causing me to retreat into the bathroom. He shut the door and locked it and turned to me. I was 5'4 and he was easily 6'5 there was no doubt about it.

I stared at his blue eyes as he turned to me and grabbed my chin. He tilted my head around as if to inspect my neck. I was too stunned to say anything. He then stared into my eyes.

"Mine!" He growled possesively. He pulled me to his body and crashed his lips to mine. My hands laid on his well built chest as he kissed me deeply. He tugged on my lower lip and forced open my mouth. His tongue explored my mouth almost as if he were testing the water. I moaned and then he pulled back still holding my chin.

"How old are you?" He asked his voice deep and silky.

"Eighteen." I answered. He frowned.

"What?" I whispered.

"I Ryder Andrews..." He started continuing to hold on to me. He was rejecting me!? Why!?

"No." I whispered. He saw the hurt in my eyes.

"Reject you Brooklyn Summers until you are twenty." He said. I gaped. I was too young for him!? I wanted this sexy beast now!

"What!? No!" I denied. He leaned in and bit my neck to finish the promise. I groaned at the pain and he licked the mark and kissed it once.

He swiftly left and I sat on the toilet seat. He is going to make me wait? He said nothing to me about him. No age nothing. He doesn't want me right now? Am I not mature enough for him!?

I growled angrily and went to my bedroom and laid on my bed.

After what felt like an eternity my mom came in.

"Come here baby." She whispered and cradelled me into her arms.

"I'm sorry Luna." I sobbed.

"Shh enough with this Luna shit. You are my daughter and you call me mom." She laughed.

"Mom he doesn't want me right now! I'm too young for him!" I cried.

"You are not! He just wants you to live your life right now and to be happy." She smiled.

"Are you sure?" I asked whipping my tears.

"Of course I do! You are such a beautiful girl and no one would ever reject you without a proper reason." She said. That made me smile.

"Thank you." I sobbed.

"I love you so much baby girl." She whispered hugging me tightly. I smiled happily and hugged her back.

They Call him Alpha I Call him Mate (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now