Chapter 11

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Zariah's POV......................

I was awoken in the middle of the night by Josh and a few guards moving some of the girls and assistants into another room.

I shut my eyes naturally when Josh started walking my way. Every other teen was asleep, so I figured playing along wouldn't hurt. Josh bent down next to me, and placed his hands firmly underneath my back and legs. He proceeded to carry me bridal style out of the room.

I figured he was going to transport me into another room inside the facility, but that theory was blocked by the sound of crunching leaves and the cool night air of the outside world.

I forced my eyes shut, although self-control was eating me alive. I really was tempted to open them, but I figured he would react in a vile way if he knew I was spying on him.

I waited until I felt him place me onto a cold, hard surface. My back was facing him, and when I was sure he was gone, as the crunching of autumn leaves beneath his feet slowly faded away, I opened my eyes.

 I gasped when all of the teens, except a few were in a big, semi-truck with me. I located Madeline. Her dirty-blonde hair was shimmering in the moonlight, and her eyes were closed. She looked so peaceful. I was happy that at least one of us was enjoying the pleasure of sleep. I crawled to her side and nuzzled down in a ball in the corner. I tried to close my eyes and get some sleep before out 'Big Day'. I heard that familiar sound of the leaves crunching under feet coming closer. I was in the back, so I figured I would be safe to open my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes. Josh was placing little Mary into the big truck. He sat her down and sighed.

"Last one."

One of the guards exclaimed as he placed Jordan into the back of the truck with the rest of us.

"Shhh! If you wake them up, I'll have to shoot you."

Josh hissed to the guard. The guard had the same outfit on: Black work pants, black bullet proof vest, and black tennis shoes. He had fiery red hair, brown eyes, and pale, freckly skin.

I closed my eyes when Josh turned back towards the girls and I. Josh tapped the side of the truck, as if to congratulate it on holding all of us. He ordered the same guard with red hair to sit in the back of the truck with us to 'monitor us'.   

Josh soon closed the big door and latched it closed.

A few minutes passed, when I finally heard the familiar sound of the motor running. We started moving, which caused me to fall onto my side with a loud bang.

The guard's eyes shot to me on the floor of the truck.

"I'm okay, thanks for asking."

I mumbled in a sarcastic tone to the guard, who was staring at me as if I had grown two heads.

"Sorry, but I'm not really supposed to talk to you."

I pushed myself up and hugged my knees to my chest. I looked at the tired looking guard, only inches away.

"What's your name?"

I asked, tilting my head at him.

"Call me Red. You're not supposed to know my real name. You know, in case you 'escaped'."

I sighed and shook my head.

"He trained you well, Red."

I said, leaning against the wall of the truck.

"You make it sound as if I were a dog, being 'trained'."

He said, almost in a weary tone.

"But isn't it true? You can't even think for yourself, can you? He trained you. I honestly can't think of a more appropriate word to describe it."

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