Chapter 3

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After Marco had left Madeline and I alone, I pulled out my cell phone and turned it on.

No Signal

"Crap!" I shrieked. Madeline looked up from bed and tilted her head to look at me.

"What?" She asked, concerned.

I turned my phone so she could see the screen.

"No signal." I stated. She sighed and shrugged.

"What do we do now?" She asked.

I sighed and ran a hand through my messy hair.

"I have no idea, do yo-" Before I could finish my sentence, there was a quiet knock at the door.

"Hide the phone!" Madeline whispered.

I slid the phone under the pillow to the bed.

"Come in." I announced.

A handsome guy I'd never seem before walked into the room.

My jaw dropped and the mysterious guy smirked in return. His eyes were a captivating chocolate brown. His sandy brown hair was messy and sort of wavy. His distinct jaw line added to the masculine-bad boy affect.

"Hey, I'm Miles. I'm your assistant." His voice was like liquid velvet.

I closed my mouth and nodded. "Cool. I'm Zariah."

He chuckled while shaking his head. "I know exactly who you are. Josh hadn't stopped talking about you before you came."

I gave him a confused glare. "Josh?"

He gave me this adorable half smile and sighed. "Master to you."

I nodded my head in recognition. "Alright. Um, did you need something?"

His smile vanished and he shook his head. "I came to see if you needed anything. So, do you?"

I tapped my chin with my index finger and looked up at the ceiling. "Hmmmmm. Assistant, you say? I've never had an assistant before... I think I would like an exit ticket out of this place."

I batted my eyelashes at him to be kinda snotty and sarcastic.

"Sorry, babe. Doesn't work like that." He smiled sympathetically.

I sighed. "Why not?"

"Because I can't just let you go. Josh will kill you and me for that mater. Just like that cell phone you hid under your pillow can get us killed as well."

My jaw dropped. "How did you know about the phone?"

He smiled at me and walked further into the room. "That is a camera."

He pointed to the corner of the ceiling where it meets the wall. Sure enough, there was a small black camera.

"Marco and I have to watch the rooms assigned to us. Since Marco is Madeline's assistant, he watches her room which now both of you share so I'm stuck with Marco watching a camera of this room."

I sighed and sat down on the bed.

"W-where are we exactly?" I stuttered out of nervousness and fear.

"I can't tell you, sorry. I really want to help, but I can't. I better go."

He turned to leave and I just wanted to see his face again.

"Wait! When will I see you again?" I asked eagerly.

He turned to face me so we were just inches apart.

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