A lesson X and X A Departure

Start from the beginning

Like a mother scolding two little boys, the girl pinched theirs ears and yanked them towards the main section of the Airport. Leorio whined in protest and flailed his arms! "OI SHORTY, LET ME GO OR ILL POUND YA!" He shrieked.

Kurapika only sighed and stumbled along with her, leaned closer so that her tugging wouldn't hurt as much. "Ayano-chan I find this to be unnecessary." He tried to reason. "Please release me and we can look at a map in a civilised manner?"

She only pinched their ears harder and began to walk faster. It was funny, seeing two tall boys stumbling behind a freakishly short girl by the ears! People stopped in their tracks to chuckle at the sight and a few muttered teasing comments as they skirted past.

"Getting an earful, you two?"

"Should have listened to your little friend ey?"

Finally Ayano stopped in her walking! Releasing the boys, she briskly walked up to a man in an elite looking uniform; an Airport Guard. Both Kurapika and Leorio massaged their ears glumly as she conversed with the man before coming back with a piece of paper in her hands.

"This is a map of our current location." The girl informed coolly; it was obvious that she was still annoyed at them. "We are going to sit down and I'm going to educate you in reading topographic maps! Got it?" She gestured towards a table outside of a café and made her way towards it, pulling out chairs for the three of them.

Leorio slouched further into his suit, coffee eyes darting around for a way to escape. "Oh gee!" He stated loudly. "Y'know, my flight leaves soon I should probably leave you and Kurapika to it. Don't wanna be late forー"

The intellectual blond next to him grabbed him by the tie and yanked him down into a seat. The doctor spluttered before Kurapika tugged him closer, grey eyes cold and furious. "You will not abandon me. Is that understood?" He warned.

"B-but I was never good at maps! I DONT WANNA DO THIS!"

"Do I look like I am thrilled? We have no choice; we can not escape."

There was a sound of hands being slammed down on the table in front of them and the duo glanced up. Ayano had her hands splayed over the map with a pen held delicately  between her lips. Turning the map to face them, she grabbed the pen with her hand and smiled. "Let's get started!"

Leorio: (°_°)

Kurapika: ( ̄^ ̄)


Ayano placed a pen down on the areas around the map, her brows creased. "Remember this; Longitude is across from East to West. Latitude is North to South like a ladder climbing up the earth. If you look at all these numbers and lines you'll get easily off course so pay attention ONLY to the places I indicate. Up by the Latitude and Longitude lines there are black and white bars," she tapped the long border of the map and helped the sour males identify the black and white bars.

"Okay, and?" Leorio huffed grumpily. "What do those do?"

Ayano smiled. "They tell time." She stated simply. "There are many different types of coordinates but we have received GPS type coordinates from The Zoldycks. I changed them to DMS, which can be used on any physical map. stands for Degree's, Minutes and Seconds. I will tell you how to find them! Kurapika-san, we are in one of the places I stated clearly to him so the second last coordinates should be 21° 18' 56.1708'' N 157° 51' 29.1348'' W."

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