"Well, I kind of lucked out because they don't charge the credit card until you actually stay there" I said with a chuckle.

"Otherwise, she probably would have found out" I added.

"Probably" she said.

"So why didn't you just have Maggie come over instead of sending us with Kimberly?" Emma asked

"That was the original plan, but Maggie had something going on and couldn't be here until four. Kimberly knows about my plans with Mom, that's why she is taking you guys for the afternoon so you two are gone when she gets home from having lunch with Becky" I said.

"You really thought this out, did you luck out with Mom having plans with Becky or did you plan that too?" she asked.

"I had kind of lucked out but kind of didn't. When I talked to Becky, she said that her and Karen were planning on going out to lunch to catch up, but hadn't set a date yet" I said.

"I guess you did get lucky" she said.

"So, why do we have to be gone when Mom gets home?" she asked.

"Because I know your mother, she won't want to leave if you two are home. She will come up with an excuse to stay" I said with a chuckle.

"Good point" I said.

When we were done eating, we cleaned up and put the leftover pizza in the fridge. Emma said she wanted to finish our song that we started when she first came home from the hospital, so we headed downstairs to the music room. We grabbed our guitars and sat on the couch. I grabbed the notebook that I had the song written in. We played what we had and added a few things. Emma had an entire verse worked out in her head and it was really good. We added some music to the words she had and she ended up writing most of the song. The words were spilling out of her. It was incredible to watch. She is really good and I can't wait for Karen to hear this song. I really think that Emma could be a successful songwriter one day. She has so much to say and I think the world should hear it.

About an hour later we finished our song and we heard Karen and Elijah come home.

"Can we play Mom the song?" Emma asked.

"Sure" I said.

"Hey babe, come down here!" I yelled.

Karen made her way down by us. "What are you two up to?" she asked.

"We finished our song" Emma said.

"That's great, can I hear it?" she asked and Emma nodded.

We played the song for her. Emma sang the verses and I came in at the chorus. Karen had a big smile on her face.

"That was amazing guys" she said.

"Emma wrote just about all of it" I said.

"Wow Em" she said and gave her a hug. I put the guitars away and we headed upstairs.

"How was physical therapy?" Karen asked when we made it to the living room where Elijah was asleep on the couch.

"It was good. It was just a consultation appointment so he took x-rays. He said that she needs therapy for two hours for ten days and then switch to twice a week for five weeks" I said.

"Did you set up the appointments?" she asked.

"Yeah, for 10:30" I said.

"Okay" she said.

"What did you and Elijah do today?" I asked.

"We went to the trampoline park then went to McDonalds for lunch and we stopped at the park on the way home and fell asleep in the car" she said.

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