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I hung up the phone with Sara and looked at Jimi who was in the kitchen with me. He looked just as worried as I was.

"What's going on?" he asked in a worried voice.

"Emma got hurt and is on her way to the hospital" I said in a shaky voice.

"What? How?"

"She was with Sara and they were running on the trail through the woods by the park and she fell down the hill and hit her head and she's bleeding and she's on the way to the hospital in an ambulance" I said starting to tear up.

"Let's go. What hospital?" he said and grabbed his keys.

"Southern Hills. I'm going to call Becky to see if they can take Elijah since their house is on the way" I said and he nodded.

"Elijah grab your shoes we have to go!" I yelled as I made my way to the living room while waiting for Becky to answer.

"Hello" she answered.

"Hey, it's Karen, Emma got hurt and is on her way to the hospital. Can we drop Elijah off at your place?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course. What happened?" She asked.

"She was on a run and she fell down a steep hill and hit her head and is unconscious and she's on her way in an ambulance" I said quickly while getting Elijah's things in the car.

"Oh my gosh. Elijah can stay for as long as you need" she said.

"Thank you so much Becky. We'll be there in a few minutes" I said.

I got Elijah buckled in and then we left. Jimi pulled up to Becky and Phillip's house and she was standing in the driveway. I got out and got Elijah out and grabbed his stuff.

"Thank you so much for taking him" I said. She gave me a hug.

"It's not a problem. I hope everything is okay" she said and I nodded.

"We'll let you know" I said and got back in the car. Jimi drove us to the hospital and parked near the emergency room. We walked in and saw Sara and she was with another guy.

"What the hell happened? Why were you with Emma?" Jimi asked angrily when we reached her.

"I happened to be on a run at the same time Emma was. I don't live too far from Brentwood and I promise I wasn't following her. She was sitting on a bench at the park when I saw her. I stopped and sat next to her. We talked for a few minutes and then we decided to run the trail through the woods. There was a huge tree root that was sticking out of the ground and she didn't see it right away and tripped and fell down the hill towards the water. She hit so a lot of rock on the way down and I think she hit her head on one of them. She was stopped by a huge rock and bush. When I got down to her she was bleeding and unconscious so I called 911" she said frantically.

Just before Jimi was about to reply, a doctor approached us.

"Are you Emma Westbrook's parents?" he asked.

"Yes we are. Is she okay?" I asked. The doctor took in a deep breath.

"Emma has quite a few injuries that need immediate attention. She is on her way to the operating room for an emergency surgery. She has a splenic bleed that needs to be fixed right away or she will bleed out. We might have to completely remove the spleen to do that. She has two cracked ribs, a broken wrist and a torn ACL that also needs surgery to repair if she wants to be able to bend her leg" he said.

"Oh my God" I whispered and covered my mouth with my hands and the tears started flowing down my cheeks. Jimi wrapped his arm around me.

"And after the surgery, she's going to be okay?" Jimi asked.

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