Chapter Six~ Adrian

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Adrian wished that he was able to talk about his parents with that level of affection. Even though Ezra claimed that they were embarrassing, he said it with a fond smile on his face that caused Adrian to feel unjustifiably jealous. But he really didn't want to think about this, at least not now. Not when he was supposed to be happy Adrian. "Language arts".

He looked over at Ezra only to find the other staring at him. There was something strange about this boy, something that made Adrian incredibly nervous. Ezra didn't get embarrassed. Ever it seemed. Everything he did was done confidently. This was something that Adrian only had seen in himself, but it didn't seem to apply when Ezra was around. "Language arts". A pause. "You smell like strawberries".

"Language Arts, Ezra".



It was very cute how frustrated Ezra got with himself. His hands kept repeatedly raking through his brown hair as he stared at the book in his lap. "This just doesn't make sense. There are too many right answers". Adrian was pressing into his side, looking over his shoulder and tried not to chuckle at this.

"Use that to your advantage . It's all opinionated, Ezra. If it's asking you a question, write what you think".

For the test, they had to analyze a poem, and then answer questions about it. It was simple, or at least Adrian thought so, but Ezra didn't seem to understand poetry, or analyzing. "I don't know how to," Ezra said, dropping back against the couch.

"You don't know how to have an opinion?" Adrian asked, taking the book off of Ezra's lap and placing it onto his own. He yawned as he looked down at the words. "Here. I'm going to read it to you, and you're going to answer the questions".

He recited the sample poem on the page once. "You have a wonderful voice. Do you sing?" He read it again because it was clear that Ezra hadn't been listening. "Okay. I think I get it".

"So what do you think the girl signifies?" Adrian asked softly, glancing back at Ezra who had closed his eyes as he thought.

"All women in today's time". His eyes opened and they were very green, so much so that it was hard to believe that they had ever appeared to be blue before. "Is that right? I don't know".

"Ezra, if you can support it, it's right. Everything is right if you give examples". Ezra looked very intrigued and sat up, now looking over Adrian's shoulder at the book.

"So I could say, that the girl represents all womankind because," Ezra cut off and pulled the book off of Adrian's lap and his eyes skimmed over the poem. "Fuck this is morbid. Does she really feel like this?" Adrian was looking at Ezra, perfectly aware of how close their faces were. Being only inches away, Adrian could see each individual freckle and admired their beauty one at a time. Ezra's eyes raised and Adrian swallowed.

"That depends. What do you think that the poem is saying?"

After maintaining eye contact for a long second, Ezra looked back down. "Well, she clearly feels inferior to men. She fears them. We don't listen, and we read body language wrong and act on it when it's unwanted". As if convinced by his own words, Ezra leaned back away from the other.

"If you write all of that on your paper, and write how you got that, you're going to be very happy with your results".

"You're good at this tutoring thing," Ezra said, smiling and the boy had fucking dimples. "Are you any good at math?"

"That depends which class you're in," Adrian said, but he was sure that he'd be able to help.

"Pre-Calc," Ezra said, turning away from him and riffling through his backpack for a moment, pulling out a rather familiar textbook. "Have you taken it yet?" Without speaking, Adrian flipped over the text book and pointed to the name in there, directly above Ezra's. Adrian Vang. "Well fuck. How are you so smart?"

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