Mind Palace meets reality

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Sherlock was sitting on the couch in the living room,  doing circles in his mind palace,  wracking his brain for something entertaining.  They had just finished a case no more than two hours ago,  but that high had died down long before he even step foot inside their flatt. Sherlock needed more,  he needed excitement coursing through his veins.

"Relax Sherlock.  I'm sure we'll have another client stumble onto our steps by mourning. " John stated,  walking past the genius and heading to the kitchen.  He knew Sherlock was in a fowl mood,  and hoped that a nice hot cup of tea would get his mind off things.  So John grabbed the kettle and started preparing the tea. 

Sherlock couldn't help but to watch John from the door way,  his eyes scanning over every inch of the smaller man.  The more he thought about John,  Sherlock realized, the more he forgot about the need to solve a case.  The longer he stared at John the more his head swam. All that was in his palace was John,  dancing around like a small little sprite.  He smiled at Sherlock,  edging ever so closer. His eyes seemed to scan Sherlock as well,  and the closer they came to one another,  the more fire burned in his eyes.  Sherlock smiled at this and pulled him the rest of the way to his chest,  closing the gap with a passionate kiss. 

But then he fell from his mind palace.  And reality kicked back in.

Sherlock groaned in protest and turned away,  heading back to his chair in the living room. He decided he wouldn't watch John anymore. It would only torment him even more.

Still, no matter how hard the genius tried to convince himself to stop,  he just couldn't find it in himself to think of anything but him.

Sherlock thought back to his lips,  and how soft they had been against his,  how he'd give anything to kiss John right then and there.  To spin him around and pull him close.  To feel John's warmth against him. 

Sherlock could practically see it now.

John would melt into the kiss,  standing on his tip toes in attempts to bring them closer. His small,  yet strong hands would slowly graze across Sherlock's chest, tracing the creases of his shirt. The-

"Umm... Sherlock? " John,  the real John,  squeaked nervously, holding out a tray of freshly made tea and biscuits for him to take. 

"Oh.  Thank you John. " Sherlock exclaimed,  taking his cup with a smile.  John nodded his head and moved away,  taking his seat across the room.  Sherlock watched him curiously, not missing the deep shade of crimson that stained the smaller males face, nor did he miss the way John refused to make eye contact with him.  But why?  What had him all flustered?

Sherlock could only think of one possible answer.

He had been mumbling his thoughts the whole time.

To most,  this fact alone would embarrass them beyond belief, but to Sherlock,  this only made him smile.  Because he had made John blush.  Because  of how John reacted to his ramblings,  and how much his blush complemented him.

"Adorable. " Sherlock mumbled,  moving his tea cup aside and standing to his feet.  John's head shot up from the sudden movement, his eyes  locking onto Sherlock's instantly.  He held his breath, embarrassed by what he had heard and how much he wanted it to happen,  but somehow John managed to keep a steady gaze.  He didn't dare look away from Sherlock, out of fear that the moment he looked away,  the genius would be gone when he looked back.

"What? " He asked,  raising an eyebrow at Sherlock's words.  The taller man smirked and got down on his knees so that he was eye level with the still seated John.

"I said." There was a pause.  The smallest glimmer of silence when he lost himself in John's eyes,  but he somehow found his way out. He stared down at John,  who was awaiting patiently for a response. Sherlock leaned forward,  hovering over his flatt mate's ear,  his warm breath tickling against the skin.

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