♔ v. - "Let's go..."

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The four who were left behind did not move a muscle until they heard the bell ring signalling that they are now outside. Then they scurried to their places in excitement.

Unable to let out a word because of a lump on his throat, Jimin gulped before daring to look at her. Their hands still intertwined made his heart hammer non-stop. He could even feel his own pulse making him wonder if she could feel it with her hand against his. "What did hyung and TaeTae tell you earlier?" He asked in a quiet voice as if not wanting to disrupt the serenity between them.

She looked up and met his eyes. With hesitation, she replied, "They told me to not tell you." But she didn't want keeping secrets from Jimin for some reason so she pondered and eventually decided. "Aegyo."

"Aegyo?" He looked at her, confused, but he couldn't ask further because Jin stuck his head out and gave them the go signal. The two of them, hand in hand, walked in with Jimin opening the door for her. With a small thank you, they began the act. Sandeul and Jin sat on one of the tables, watching and evaluating but mostly watched like audience watching a romantic movie in a cinema.

Looking around as if it's her first time inside, Seulgi tugged on his sleeve again with her free hand and pointed at the table at the corner of the café that had a perfect view of the whole place. "Oppa, let's go sit over there."

Taehyung tightly clasped his hands into fists and curled himself as he watched his best friend's face turn an embarrassingly dark shade of pink. She's done it! She's done it! He thought to himself as he shared a quick meaningful look with Sandeul.

Finally finding his breath, Jimin nodded and failed to not stutter. "Ah- o-ok." Jimin was about to lead them to the place she had pointed at but she pulled back his hand and tightening her hold on it which made him turn sharply to her with wide eyes from surprise. "I want to order together with oppa."

What did they teach her in that short span of time that made her do and say these things?! Jimin didn't know how to react but led her to order together nonetheless. Wendy was still trying to register the situation. There she was, her Seulgi, calling the guy that may or may not be attracted to her 'oppa' which may or may not be killing him inside right now. Lord, help him.

Wendy picked herself up when the pair was now in front of her. She smiled at Jimin who shyly looked away while Seulgi on the other hand... Haah... Seulgi-ah. You man killer. "Good afternoon. May I take your orders?" She smiled at the two and waited patiently knowing that Seulgi was probably looking for the peppermint mocha latte she wanted. Wendy forgot to tell her earlier that the drink was available, she felt bad for Jimin because Seulgi will most likely be lost as she read the menu above them.

Jimin watched Seulgi as she bit her bottom lip, reading the whole menu above Wendy. He chuckled and patted her head once. "One Peppermint Mocha Latte, and one White Mocha with few less pumps." Seulgi turned to him, surprised. Then she smiled, just a little smile at first, but as it grew it pressed her rosy cheeks up, slowly and finally the smile reached her eyes, lighting them, causing them to crinkle at the corners. In that moment she was everything he never thought he had ever hoped for. In the next, realization dawned.

Wendy was in awe, drowned in the waves filled with beautiful meaning as she watched the two of them. "W-would you like something to eat?" For some reason, Wendy was happy, very happy. If ever she was right... That would be wonderful.

Remembering the instruction given to her, Seulgi nodded, completely dedicated to the task. "Fruit toast please."

Receiving their drinks, Jimin brought the tray to their table after being told that the Fruit toast will be served. He pulled a chair for Seulgi in which she thanked in a small voice, and then sat across from her. He let out a sigh as if he was holding his breath all the while before placing his elbows on the table, cheek on his palm and fixing his eyes to the girl in front of him who beamed as she sipped on her drink. Unconsciously smiling, he chuckled from the foam above her lips. There were no tissues, without hesitation and thoughts, he pulled out his handkerchief and wiped the foam off catching her off guard. Jimin's hands froze, surprised by his own action, struggling to make coherent thoughts.

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