Chapter 1 - Oops!

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Have you ever met a star? I don't mean a movie star, rock star or superstar. I'm talking about a star in the universe. Chances are you haven't, but that, my friend, is all about to change.

I would like to introduce you to a real life star called Jaspa. We first met in a dream and she came back night after night to tell me about her accidental adventure in another world. She also asked me tell this story to as many children as possible.

So here I am, writing to you about the most unusual star you are ever likely to meet.

Jaspa is forty-nine million years old but doesn't look a day over twenty million. She lives in a gorgeous galaxy called Meowkee, shaped like a sleek, smiling, Siamese cat. Meowkee sits just behind the Milky Way, well-hidden from Planet Earth.

Her family tree is rather curious. Her parents are galaxy stars, her grandparents are starfish and her great grandparents are starflowers. Her great, great grandparents are star fairies who blessed her with magical gifts that allow her change into a starfish, starflower or star fairy whenever she pleases. So in my book, this is one extraordinary star!

Jaspa is also the dazzling superstar of her very own cosmic comedy show. She regularly entertains zillions of fans including stars, space folk and even the odd space cadet. The more her friends laugh, the more brilliantly they shine, turning Meowkee into the biggest, brightest galaxy of them all.

To celebrate her fifty millionth birthday, Jaspa puts on a spectacular show that attracts the largest audience in universal history. When the radiant star whirls onto the glittering stage she is greeted with joyful applause.

"Hellooooooo and welcome to the happiest place in the universe! Are you ready for a night of non-stop celebration, imagination, singing, storytelling, dancing and laughter?"

The audience roars with delight.

"Introducing the Star Fairy Sparklers!" cries Jaspa.

The musicians fly onto the stage. They open the show with 'Stardust Rhapsody' and Jaspa performs her popular 'Chameleon Capers' routine. She skillfully balances on her right star point and twirls with spirited charm:

Twirl twirl twirl. Stop. Magic! Jaspa is a starfish.

Twirl twirl twirl. Stop. Magic! Jaspa is a starflower.

Twirl twirl twirl. Stop. Magic! Jaspa is a star fairy.

Twirl twirl twirl. Stop. Magic! Jaspa is a galactic star again.

The Sparklers change their tune to 'Star Struck Space Cadet.' Jaspa struts her stuff like a rock star and bursts into laughter. Meowkee's echoing laughter travels far and wide, sending nearby galaxies into stitches as well. Talk about a universal crack up!

But then, disaster strikes. Jaspa laughs so much that she loses her balance. She wobbles and whirls, twists and twirls, around and around, faster and faster. Everyone looks on in horror as Jaspa spins off the stage.

"Help!" squeals the terrified falling star. "I can't stop!"

An army of brave space critters try to catch the star with their space ships but nobody can keep up with her. All they can do is helplessly watch their favourite star fall far, far away.

The orchestra stops playing.

The audience falls silent.

Jaspa disappears from sight.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2017 ⏰

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