Midnight Touches

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You laid peacefully sleeping but tonight Tae just couldn't sleep. The imagines of you in your red wine cocktail dress kept popping up in his head, "This is all your fault" He mumbled nudging your arm. As he continued to think about it you turned your back to him, the blankets hugging your curves. He licks his lips before gently running his hands along your body, taking a deep breath he started to squeeze you "Wake up" He whispered in your ear pressing himself against you.

Jin was looking absolutely delicious today not that he doesn't any other day but you get the point anyways he isn't really sexual especially around the boys so you had to wait till the right moment. "Jinie oppa" You hummed getting closer to him, laying your head on his chest and putting a leg over his. He just hummed obviously tired but you couldn't care he unconsciously teased you all day, "You looked so good today..." You slowly started inching your hand down to the hem of his sweats.

He laid staring at the ceiling his eyes flickering to you. Sweat sliding down his face as his thoughts continued to invade his head. After you pushed the cover off you slightly he lost it and grabbed your hips, pulling you closer to him, "You are so clueless" He mumbled before starting trailing his hands between your thighs softly.

The boys been around y'all ALL DAY. It's not that you don't love them but you would've liked to spend some time with your boyfriend. When it was time to go to sleep you snuck into his room and got in the bed with him, you expected him to be sleep but he was wide awake. He patted his lap and you sat on him, "I miss you" He mumbled squeezing your thighs while you ran your hands through his hair.

He's not usually needy but tonight he was feeling hot very hot. "Y/n... are you up?" He pokes you but you groaned and pushed him. He sighed and laid his head on your chest trying to resist touching you but when you moved one of your legs around him that's all it took for his hands to be all over you along with his lips.

The lamp in the room didn't help you sleep, you didn't wanna cut it off cause he was reading but it's 12 at night! You groaned and turned over before looking up at him, he looked really hot reading his book with an intense stare. Before you knew it your hand was making its way up his thighs and up his shirt, he was so caught up in his book he didn't notice...or that's what you thought. He looked at you then moved your hand and threw his book before laying you on your back....

Jimin is a wild sleeper, right now he's laying on his tummy while his arms and legs is spread out. You smirked before climbing on his back, laying down letting your hands travel under his body and into his gym shorts. You were playing with his V-lines before he woke up and rolled over so you were under, "Having fun without me?" He chuckled starting to play with your hips then moving his hand lower.

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