Chapter Two~ Adrian

Start from the beginning

"When are you leaving me?" Helen asked quietly, and Adrian pulled on the new pants, jumping to get them up faster so he could cross the room and peer out of the window.

"He should be here soon". He switched out his shirt and then sat on the bed next to her. She was still upside down with her legs resting against the wall, and peered up at him, holding out her hand, which he took. Adrian was very, very gay, but he could appreciate the beauty of his best friend. She had long blonde hair that was braided over her shoulder, and her blue eyes were incredibly wide at the moment as she looked up at him.

"Be careful," she said softly, and he nodded. "Use condoms, and be aware of how much you're drinking and smoking. I know you're going to do it, but remember that smoking can kill you and drinking makes you stupid, and you're the smartest person I know, so don't over do it, please".

Everytime he went out since he had met David, she did this. What they did was stupid, but they were always careful about it. He didn't see why she always needed to freak out over it. They had been doing this for a long time.Eventually she would have to start trusting David to take care of him. Adrian sure did."We'll be safe. We always are. Also, I don't drink. You know this". There was a honk from outside and his phone buzzed from where he had left it on the dresser. "That's him".

David was nineteen, and had met Adrian a little less than a year ago outside of a drug store that they had hooked up in shortly after meeting. Since then, they used each other for comfort a couple of times a month. David would pick him up and they would go somewhere and do something to take their minds off of everything else.

David was his escape away from home during the hours he couldn't hid at school.

El followed him out of his bedroom, grabbing his phone for him and trying to tuck it into his tight back pocket. His parents looked up from the couch when they entered the living room. "Adrian, I thought we told you-"

"I'm just leaving," Helen snapped, and Adrian's mother fell silent. Neither of his parents questioned, or noticed as both of them, not just Helen, left the house. "Be safe, babe". He nodded at her, his eyes on David's car as they stood on the porch. "Call if you need anything".

"I always do". They parted, Helen going to her car and Adrian to David's, climbing in the passenger side without asking for permission.

"Hello gorgeous," the older man said, and Adrian grinned at him, taking a cigarette out of the carton in the cup holder and going to light it as the other pulled away from the curb. "Don't start that". David didn't do anything to stop him though. "You're too young to smoke. I don't want you dying on me".

This was stupid. He was sitting next to a man who made horrible decisions, some of which he could go to prison for, but was worried that Adrian would get caught smoking or dying of cancer- both of which were less likely than him going to jail. "Are you worried about me getting addicted?" Adrian asked, lighting the cigarette anyways and inhaling. "I don't get addicted to things". It was a gift. Adrian had always been able to smoke cigarettes without getting addicted to the niccotine. Few could, it was very rare, but Adrian took advantage of it when he needed to. David laughed.

"Just because you can't get addicted to them doesn't mean that you're different from anyone else when it comes to everything else," David claimed and Adrian huffed. "They can still kill you".

Adrian chose to ignore the last part. "I'm better that everyone else," he said, not caring that he was being cocky since he was with David, who knew him well enough to understand his sarcasm. "How do you keep forgetting this?"

Dave rolled his eyes but smiled as he took a quick left turn without signaling with his blinker, "I don't think you're incapable of getting addicted," David said, his eyes flashing as he looked away from the road to Adrian, who raised his eyebrows in question. "We can't forget your sex addiction". Adrian hummed, blowing smoke out between his lips.

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