Whipping round, he gestured wildly as though speaking to someone.

A few seconds later, two young men in uniform hurried down the steps, shoes clicking against stone. Noah and Kitera exchanged a glance before leaping off their horses.

"You may leave them in our care," one young man said as his gaze lingered longer than necessary on Kitera, a blush reddening his cheeks.

The other swiftly added, "Your personal belongings shall be brought to your rooms. My lord, my lady." He bowed, nudging his colleague, who scrambled into a bow as well.

Kitera started to shake her head. "No, we aren't—"

"Thank you!" Noah cut her off. "We would also like hot baths and fresh towels."

"Of course, my lord."

With another bow they left with the horses towards the side of the manor house.

"Noah!" Kitera exclaimed.

"What appears to be the problem, my lady?"

Kitera rolled her eyes, but followed him up the stairs without further comment.

Jaden brought them to a circular hall where tall wall panels ended in heavy gold and silver gilt as they met the high ceiling. A single painting adorned the wall, of a beautiful woman posing in a pale green lace dress, with long, wavy blonde hair and a shy smile. At first Noah thought she resembled Tessa. Then he realized the resemblance with Jaden was even more striking. It was the eyes mostly – same grey eyes, almond-shaped under an elegant brow.

Noah couldn't help but ask, "Is that your mother?"

Jaden nodded, though his gaze avoided the painting.

The liveried old man cleared his throat and introduced himself as Hans, chamberlain of the household.

"Should you need anything, or have any questions, don't hesitate. Now, let me take you to your rooms. I've already sent someone to inform Lord Fairlocks of your arrival."

They followed him to the upper level, where lamps in iron brackets, spaced far apart, illumined golden floor tiles and narrow halls. The chamberlain turned this way and that until he finally stopped and motioned to the two doors on their left.

"Your rooms. My lords." He bowed. "My lady. Hot water will be brought so you can wash and change into more appropriate attire." He eyed Kitera's breeches, then faltered at the glare she shot him. "Dinner will be downstairs, in one hour."

"Thank you," Jaden said. "We're so grateful for your hospitality."

Hans nodded, smoothing back his white hair. "Well, it's only natural. Lord Fairlocks will be very pleased to see you."

With that he straightened and briskly walked away, lantern dangling from his hand.

"Yes, I told them you were a lord and lady," Jaden said before they could ask. "We met in Veicira, became great friends, and I chose you as traveling companions." He glanced at Noah, a glint in his eyes. "You, my friend are a wealthy and well-learned Laethi lord, seeking travels and knowledge, and you" – his eyes darted to Kitera – "are his Azurian wife."

"Jaden!" Kitera yelped.

Noah laughed. "I can't pull off—"

"He can't pull off being a lord," Kitera stated.

"No, I was gonna say I can't pull off being her husband." Noah pointed his thumb at her. He knew without looking that she was rolling her eyes.

"My grandfather," Jaden explained, "is a very traditional man. To him, the idea of a woman traveling with two men, married to neither, is unthinkable. So please bear with it. I shall see you in an hour."

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