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Two hours later, Luke carefully knocked on the boys bathroom in the Gryffindor Tower.

„Babe? We really need to leave," Luke said softly.

„I don't want to leave, I look like shit," Calum mumbled. Calum had locked himself in the bathroom half an hour ago and Luke had patiently been waiting in front of the door. He had sent Michael, Sophie and Ashley off to the great hall already, saying that they should make sure to save them good seats.

„Hey c'mon babe, please open the door," Luke pleaded softly.

Calum unlocked the door and slowly opened it. Luke was met with a breathtakingly beautiful Calum.

He looked into Calums sad brown eyes, completely speechless.

„Fuck, stop being so beautiful," Luke mumbled. Calum huffed and turned his head away.

„Hey," Luke said softly and opened his arms.

Calum fell into them and hid his face in the rough fabric of Luke's ball cloak. He felt the older boy shaking slightly and brought his hands up to rub his back.

„Hey baby, what's wrong?," Luke whispered worried, while rocking his boyfriend from side to side.

Calum let out a choked sob.

„Hey beautiful, stop crying please," Luke whispered soothingly.

He brought Calums head up and cupped his cheeks with his hands.

„What's wrong baby?," Luke asked concerned and brushed a lock of hair from his forehead.

„I don't know, I just... It's all been so much these past month, with my parents giving me shit and the fear of losing you in the Tournament and school and I feel so exhausted Luke. Physically and mentally. And right now, my insecurity and social anxiety comes piling on top as well..." Calum hiccuped and closed his eyes.

More tears.

„Hey don't ever think you aren't beautiful, or worth it, because to me you are the most beautiful human being on this whole damn planet, okay? And now we are going to go to this ball and have a great evening and we will be the most beautiful couple and everyone will be jealous of me because I have the cutest, handsomest, most intelligent and good looking boyfriend in the room. And I will make sure you forget everything around you for one night. How does that sound?," Luke said softly, while wiping away Calums tears.

Calum smiled slightly through his tears.

„You are amazing but exaggerating," Calum sniffed laughing.

„I know," Luke smirked and Calum laughed slightly.


„Your idiot," Luke smiled.

„Yeah," Calum smiled, "mine."

Luke kissed Calum and the kiss was wet and tasted like salt but it was full of love, trust and hope.

„Now c'mon," Luke smiled and took Calum's hand.

"Urgh, give me at least 5 minutes to fix this up." Calum gestured to his red puffy eyes and wet face.

A few minutes later, they were on their way down the countless stairs to the Great Hall to line up at the entrance with the other two champions and their dates. Traditionally the champions are given a big entrance parade and for this the Durmstrang Champion was allowed to join in.

Sophie's mouth fell open upon seeing Calum, since she had seen Luke earlier already and she opened her arms for Calum.

"You look stunning, Sophie," Calum awed while hugging her back. Sophie was wearing a long strapless tulle dress. It was dark blue in the chest area and faded into white at the bottom. Her blonde hair was up and she was wearing red lipstick. The blue of the dress really brought out her blue eyes.

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