"Why the bloody fuck would I poison you? I'm just here to ask you a couple questions about Emilise."

Allen sat back down on the couch, gesturing for Arthur to also take a seat and offering him a bottle of beer, which Arthur politely declined. "Ah so you know my little dollface? Did you also go to college with her in France or some shit?" He asked, taking a swig of his beer. "We've been dating for about four years, and when I moved down here from where I was living with my brother Matt up in Canada, she moved in with me a couple years ago. Before we met she had a kid with this guy she met in France, and he won't give the kid to her. Don't know his name but he seems to have something against Em. Great girlfriend, always faithful and good fun." he reflected, grinning. Arthur cleared his throat awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

"About that... I'm actually the lawyer and boyfriend of her ex-husband, Francis Bonnefoy. He's the father of her child and they were married for five years, divorcing a couple months ago after he found out that she had been cheating on him... with you." As soon as the words left his mouth Allen sprung up, looking positively furious.

"What?! You lying son of a bitch don't lie to me! I know Em and she would never do that what right do you have to come into my house and accuse my girl of cheating!" He fumed, picking up his bat and glaring at the Englishman. Arthur remained unfazed at the American's aggression and took a couple papers out of his folder and handed them to Allen, expression sympathetic and not fearful like Allen was expecting.

"I'm very sorry that you had to find out like this, but it's the truth. Francis and Emilise are currently engaged in a very furious custody battle over their son, Matthew. I've come to ask you about if you think she would be a good mother." Allen took the papers, which were revealed to be photographs and snarled, seeing pictures from their wedding and Francis with Emilise, even checking the dates on the back to see if the Brit was trying to trick him. He sat back down, placing his head in his hands and tugging at his red-brown hair.

"That lying bitch... what else has she lied about..." He growled, straightening up and glaring at nothing in particular. He looked at Arthur, red eyes filled with rage but also thankfulness. "I hate liars. I hate cheaters. Thank you for telling me. And to answer your question, she is irresponsible as fuck and she can't take care of my brother's pets, much less a kid." His mouth suddenly twisted into a sly smirk and he looked up at Arthur. "I can come with you to testify about how Francis should get Matthew."

The men shook hands, each of their faces twisting in almost identical smirks.

~Present time~

"In my opinion, as her now FORMER boyfriend, Francis should get the kid. She is extremely irresponsible and can hardly take care of pets, much less kids. All she talked about was the money that she would get from child support when the topic of Matthew came up. Hell, the only reason I know his name is because when Arthur approached me, he mentioned it." Allen finished, smirking as Emilise's jaw dropped.

"FORMER!" Emilise shrieked at Allen, who raised his brow, fake pouting.

"You heard me bitch. I don't wanna be with a lying bitch who can't take care of a fucking dog, much less a kid."

"Language Mr. Jones." The judge reprimanded, trying to stop her lips from forming a smile as Emilise began to cry. "Now a question for Ms. Williams." She leaned across the podium, taking off her glasses and rubbing her temple. "Ms. Williams. From what i've heard today, you hardly care for this child, to the point where I have half the mind to arrest you for neglect. Is there any reason you want this precious gift that is a child other than money?" Emilise opened and closed her mouth like a fish, trying to come up with a response.

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