Chapter 7

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" He is an enemy of Asgard, he was locked in a cell." Algrim said in his own language. Malekith walks over to Thor squirming in pain on the ground.

"Look at me!" Malekith uses his foot to turn Thor, he then lifts me in the air and extracts the Aether from within me. I could feel power being drained from my body, I felt like I was letting something free. My vision that was tinted red slowly yet back to normal. In that moment I had a vision of Earth. Screams! The city lights being blown out like a match. The sun had exploded, racing towards my planet. Nothing would be able to stop it. The aether shot across the universe, destroying everything in sight leaving stars and galaxies to turn black.

Then as the Aether leaves my body I falls to the ground. "Loki, now!"  Thor yells. Loki uses his diversion tactics, he never amputated Thor's hand.Thor quickly summons Mjolnir and shoots lightning at the Aether attempting to destroy it, but he fails as Malekith is still able to absorb it and turns to leave on his ship. I lie on the black soil, breathing heavily and still frightened from my vision.

Two of the dark elves start attacking Thor but he quickly takes them down, Algrim then throws one of his vortex weapons in the air, Loki pushes me away and he is nearly sucked in when Thor pulls him out. "Thanks." I mutter.

Thor then attacks Algrim but he beats him down, Loki goes over to them and impales Algrim from behind. I have now rushed over to the both of them fighting away dark elves.

Algrim slowly turns to face Loki I sprint over. Suddenly he pulls Loki towards him but I tackle Loki into the ground. Loki looks shocked. Quickly, I pull myself out the way of Algrim who is falling face first and then realizes that attached to the blade in him is his own vortex weapon, it explodes before he can do anything destroying him. I was still laying on top of Loki my heart pounding. If I hadn't of done anything, that blade would of been in Loki's chest. My face lifts into a smile, "your welcome."

I stand up and help Loki up aswell. The Asgardians stare at me in shock, a mortal being had just saved their lives. Its normally the other way round.

"I'll tell father what you did here today." Thor said to Loki.

"I didn't do it for him." Loki says and he looks at me. He comes over and engulfs me in a hug, "Thank you." He whispers as he kisses the top of my head. I smile. My cheeks are probably redder than a tomato.

Thor, Loki and I enter a cave as we see a storm approaching. "He's gonna unleash it, not just on Asgard or on a star, Malekith is gonna destroy everything." I explain rocks.

"how?" Thor asks, stumbling a bit on a loose stone.

"I saw him on Earth. Why would he go to Earth?" I question.

"The Convergence." Thor suggests.

" Oh, God. None of this would have happened if I hadn't found the Aether." I turn around to face the God's, slump down on a rock and put my head in my hands.

"Then Malekith would have only possessed it that much sooner." Loki added.

"I only found it because Jane was looking for you. She told me to follow this thing that had an arrow showing me a direction to go in."

"Kaya." Loki places his hand on my face.

"Now we're trapped here." I holding onto his hand and smile weakly. I shiver, it's really cold in this cave. Suddenly my phone starts to ring scaring the crap out if all of us. Loki jumps back and trips over a rock sending him crashing to the ground making the gravel that covered the ground to go flying. Thor rises his hammer, ready to attack. I reach into my pocket as Thor and Loki give ma a confused look.

"Hello?" I ask into the phone. I'm on another world, how am I getting signal?

"Hi, Kaga, it's Tony." What?!

"Tony?! Where are you?"I  practically yell into the phone.

"Man of iron?" Thor asks but I tell him to Sh.

"Oh, no. Not him." Loki mutters.

"I'm still in the tower. I need you to help me with something." He states and I hear a crash in the background. I put  him on speaker and holds up my phone.

"Oh, my God!" I say still not believing what's happening.

"what? Is now a bad time?" He asks.

"No, no, no, no! Please, whatever you do, do not hang up the phone." I stop him and wander further into the cave.

"OK... Is there something your not telling me?" He asks.

"Umm... I'm in a different world at the moment." I say and notice the can and keys that were thrown through from the abandoned factory.

"what?" His voice was laced with confusion, to be honest I don't blame him. I don't really grasp what's happening right now.

"Kaya?" Thor interrupts me.

"Not now." I bat him away. "I'm not on earth or on Asgard, Thor's planet." I explain. I've just realised how we can return to Earth, I turn to Thor. "Come on."

"I'm losing you there, are you in a tunnel?" He asks. Thor starts following me.

"Where are we going?" Loki questions.

"Hello?" Tony asks through the phone. We start walking further into the cave, Thor notices the discarded shoes that were thrown through from the abandoned factory.

"Why are there so many shoes in here?" Loki asks as we walk further in. In and instance we disappear.

"H-hello? Kaya?" Tony calls. "mabey she's just busy." He says and an explosion goes off next to him.

Thor, Loki and I appear back on Earth outside the factory. "Wow, this day can't get any weirder. Follow me." I spot the car that we had to abound because of the cops. I start the car with keys that I picked up from the cave and drive to Jane's lab hoping she'll be there.

Word count: 1037

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