Chapter 1

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- - - - - - - - - -Kaya's POV- - - - - - - - - - -

"Stay here." Darcy said to Kaya and got out of the car.

"wait, where are-" Kaya was about to ask but Darcy has already slammed the door shut. She slumped in her seat and looked straight ahead onto the busy roads of London. Why has she moved from Manhattan to London? S.H.E.I.L.D wanted Kaya to keep an eye on Jane foster who's an astrophysicist and is close to finding out stuff that us meant to be hidden and no one should know about. It's kinda of ironic that they chose me to make sure they don't find anything because I'm still finding out about the infinity gems. I would of thought that they had recognised me and if they do, I have to say this: "I'm here because I want to understand space patterns." Yep. Sounds so interesting.

I'm Darcy's intern so I have to be quite lowkey about everything and act dumb as fuck.

- - - - - - - - - - 3rd person - - - - - - - - - -

Jane is on a date with a man named Richard. She looks at her menu feeling awkward when Richard slides a napkin in front of her with the word 'Hi' written on it.

"Hi." he says after Jane lowers her menu to look at him for the first time since she got here atleast 10 minutes ago.

"Hi." She replied shyly.

"So what's the story with you?" He tries to make small talk.

"Why does there have to be a story, there's no story." She answers.

"You've spent the first ten minutes of our date hiding behind a menu that has three choices on it. It's either chicken, vegetarian or fish, Jane. I think there's a story and I'm thinking the story involves a guy?" He explains.

"It's complicated." She says.

"Is he still around?"

"No, he...went away." She said trying find a way to put it.

"I've been there. The going away, it's hard. I'd been seeing a woman and uh...she took a job in New York, eventually the distance killed it. And...and the fact that she uh...she kept sleeping with other dudes." He says.

"No!" Jane exclaims. (hehe it rhymes)

"Oh, so many." Darcy walks up to Jane and Richard's table. Richard, thinking that she's the waitress asks for some whine.

"Sure, I'd love some." She says. Jane bites her lip in annoyance.

"Richard, this is Darcy. What are you doing here?" Jane asks her as well as glaring.

Darcy grabs a chair from the opposite table and drags it across to their table. She sits next to Jane and helps herself to a piece of bread and starts buttering it. "So, I show up to work at the lab-slash-your mom's house, fully expecting you to be moping around in your pajamas eating ice cream obsessing about you know who... But you're not! You're wearing lady clothes, you even showered, didn't you? You smell good."  She rambled on.

"Is there a point to all this, cause there really has to be a point to all this."

"Right. You know that scientific equipment you don't look at anymore? You might wanna start looking at it now." she gives Jane the gadget. "This is the reason we came all the way out here."

" It's malfunctioning." Jane said.

"That's what I said." and starts hitting the gadget on the table.

"That's what I did! But you just hit a little more scientific."

"I'm sure it's nothing." Jane says handing the gadget back to Darcy.

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