Chapter 6

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——————3rd person———————

On their ship, Algrim approaches Malekith. "We must attack now."

"No. Asgard is not important anymore. The Aether has returned home."

Back on Earth, Darcy and Ian go to free Erik from the mental institution. "You'll have to sign for your father's belongings, Mr. Selvig." The officer at the desk instructed the two girls.

Darcy looks distracted and Jan nudges him to bring him to attention. "What? Oh, yeah. My father, Dr. Erik Selvig." Darcy played along and goes to sign the form.

"One; a man's leather wallet, brown. One key ring with three keys. Prescription medicine."The officer places the wallet, key ring with the keys and a plastic bag containing medicine bottles on the counter. "Various... Things like these." The officer then bends to pick up another item from behind the counter, at the same time Darcy notices Erik being escorted towards them.

"Erik!" Darcy exclaims.

The officer places Erik's gadgets on the counter. "Yeah, those. Thank goodness." Jane said and the man gave her a confused look.

"Erik?" She asked as he came nearer.

"Yes?" He said not understanding who Darcy was.

"It's uh...Darcy." She said awkwardly.

"Darcy." He smiles. Darcy holds up her hands and smiles, Erik then hugs her. "It's so good to see you."

"Uh...I missed you too." Darcy looks awkward as Erik continues to hold her tightly.

"How did you find me?" He asked.

"You were naked on TV." Darcy says briefly.

"Okay, time to go. Lots to do. " Jane interrupted. Erik continues to hold Darcy.

" Getting weird now." She said trying to get out of his grip.

As they walk down the corridor of the mental institution with Darcy holding Erik's gadgets. "I should not be left in charge of stuff like this, I don't get paid enough."

Erik takes his bag of medicine from Jane. Jane watches as Erik takes out a bottle of pills." Are you alright?" She asked.

"I have had a God in my brain. I don't recommend it." As they step out of the building suddenly the gadget in Darcy's arms starts to beep.

"Dr. Selvig, your gear is beeping at me." Darcy called out, worried.

"It's happening, sooner than I calculated." He said, not really replying to what Darcy had said.

"Wait, what's happening?" Jane asks. They look up to see flock of birds flying above them. "Birds? Birds are happening?"

"They're starlings, it's called a murmuration. My dad used to take me bird watching as a kid." Darcy said. Jane gave her a weird look.

"Look." Dr. Selvig called out. Suddenly, the birds all fly in the same direction and they all suddenly disappear.

"Where did they go?" Jane asked.  All the birds appear behind, them flying away frantically making Darcy screams in terror.

"What the hell was that?!" Erik smiles. "Why are you smiling?"

"There's nothing more reassuring than realizing that the world is crazier than you are." He walks ahead and throws his bag of medicine into the garbage bin nearby. "Take me to your lab!"

——————Kaya's POV———————

Loki continues flying on the ship suddenly my eyes open, it's clear that the Aether has taken over my body, I rise and looks ahead.

"Kaya?" Thor asks.

"Malekith." I murmer. I shake my head trying to take over my body again. "Santa's littler helper better get this out of me."

"Whos Santa?" Loki and Thor ask. I roll my eyes.

"Santa? Farther Christmas?" I try to jog their memory. How can they not hear of Santa.

"who is the Father of Christmas?" Thor asks.

"Santa. Do you not celebrate Christmas?" Are they serious? They sake their head slowly with a blank look.

"On earth, we celebrate Christmas. We have family round and eat, give each other presents and stuff. It like an annual holiday, it's on the 25th of December every year." I explain. "Do you not have anything like that?"

"We have the clomp games. It's a contest that other worlds such as Olympus join in. We compete against each other in various games from fighting to spear throwing. We won last year."

After landing our ship, we walk over to watch Malekith and and his men in the distance. We're perched on a cliff, bending down so we're not so obvious. "Alright, are you ready?" Thor asks and I nods my head

"I am." Loki answers. We rise from our  hiding spot and Malekith spots us standing on a hill in the distance. "You know this plan of yours is going to get us killed." Loki warned.

"Yeah, possibly." Thor says and Loki holds up his shackled hands for Thor to uncuff him. "You still don't trust me, brother?"

"Would you?" Thor takes off Loki's cuffs. "

No, I wouldn't." Suddenly Loki takes out a dagger stabs Thor and throws him down the hill. I gasp in horror and shock.

"Thor! No!" I scream and run run down the hill after him. Malekith sees this and starts walking towards us. After stabbing Thor and throwing him down the hill, Loki walks over to Thor."You really think I cared about Frigga, about anybody?" He kicks Thor in the stomach. "All I ever wanted was you and Odin dead at my feet!" Thor raises his hand, attempting to summon Mjolnir, but Loki cuts off his hand making Thor scream out in pain, I rush over to Thor but Loki grabs me and turns to face Malekith and his dark elves.

"Malekith, I am Loki of Jotunheim and I bring you a gift!" He throws me at Malekith's feet. "I ask only one thing in return, a good seat from which to watch Asgard burn."

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