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Jungkook's POV

I was walking to the cafeteria with Jimin as we were followed by a bunch of screaming girls. I couldn't help but accidentally listen to one of their conversations.

"You know Yoongi oppa? Yeah, he beat up John yesterday so bad he had to go to the hospital."

"No way!"

"Yeah! And all just because he was breathing too loudly"

I walked past them and saw  one of them hold up a picture of that dark haired guy from yesterday holding the collar of a blood-beat guy on the ground.

We entered the cafeteria and sat down at a table Taehyung was already sitting at. We talked crap for like 5 minutes before loud screams were heard. As it caught our attention, we looked towards the entrance and saw the same four guys from yesterday.

"What? They go here?" Taehyung said in shock and all of a sudden blushed madly.

"Bro, what the fuck is that on your face?" Jimin nudged him, not sure of what to do as he rarely ever shows this side of him.

"Hm? Wha- I didn't.." he started but quickly silenced as one of the guys looked at him with a smirk.

I saw how the four guys sat at a round table not to far away from the one I sat at. There he was again, that dark haired shortie.

Once again I didn't realise that we were both staring at each other intensely. Not until I suddenly saw how he licked his lips and bit it, looking me in my eyes the whole time. (Which didn't actually happen. He just imagined it.)

I felt paralyzed, and started screaming at myself.
"Why tf are u feeling so...Weird? Dude. Wtf is ur problem? What's up with these mixed emotions? Wtf even r they?"
I ran my hand through my hair, frustrated.

"And what's up with u?" Jimin turned his head towards me. "Can someone tell me wtf is going on?"

I never left my gaze off of that one short guy with that irritating glare of his. He looked back at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh Imma tell u what's up" I said, tired of this bullshit and started walking towards them. Both Jimin and Taehyung seemed confused, mostly Jimin.

As I approached them their gazes met mine, and as one of them spoke I suddenly felt a little nervous as the irritating one was litteraly staring into my soul. And everyone else in the whole cafeteria.

"Who tf r u?" The tall purple-head raised his eyebrows.

"Bitch, man up. Tf is wrong?"

I looked over to the shortie and sighed.

He smirked and stood up, arrogantly slouching a bit as he had his hands in his pockets.

"Why?" He looked me up and down.

Frustrated and done with this confusing shit, I grabbed his collar and literally pulled him after me.

"If u don't let go you'll regret it" he said calmly as we stormed out of the cafeteria. I snorted sarcastically as I dragged him towards the staircase.

Bad Habits ✔ Yoongi • JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now