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No one's POV

Yoongi was walking back to the dorm buildings after going to the convenience store. The streets were not as crowded as usual as darkness slowly filled the sky, the street lights turned on and neon lights shined bright.

For once he was actually in a decent mood. He misjudged Jungkook. He was actually not as bad as people said he was. He thought the sudden connection between them was a little strange, but didn't ponder too much on it. He thought he had just found a really good friend for once.

He was then suddenly pulled out of his thoughts as an unpleasantly familiar voice called out from behind him.

"August D!"

Yoongi froze and slowly turned his head around. That's his street name, which only the drug dealers call him by. And surprise, there were two of Loco's guys. Two tall guys dresses in black from head to toe with hats and face masks. Yoongi was terrified of them. He swallowed hard and walked towards them.

"H-hey guys" he said and tried really hard to play it cool.

"Loco wants to see you" one of them said and looked him in his eyes, tilting his head slightly.

"Uh I- I'm a little b-busy.."

"It wasn't a question" the other said and took a step closer.

Yoongi didn't know what to do. He may look tough and have a bad-ass reputation, but Loco was no joke and Yoongi was absolutely petrified at him and his guys. Even by his dog.

Still, he knew that refusing would just make things a thousand times worse. He knows since he tried once, a bad mistake which ended up with a big scar that goes across his back.

"Fine" he gave in and followed them to their black van.

They drove around for about 15 minutes and ended up by an abandoned building in the outskirts of the city. Loco's hide-out. It was pitch black outside when they arrived. The moonlight outlined the house with it's broken planks and cracked windows. It looked even scarier in the dark.

They got out if the car and the two guys grabbed each if Yoongi's arms as they dragged him inside. The place was crowded with Loco's gang, and Yoongi just felt smaller as they all stared at him.

They kept walking past the crowd, which in Yoongi's eyes grew by the second, and dragged him to a door on the second floor. One of the guys swung the door open and pushed him inside, walking in after him.

The room was huge and had a purple light filling the room vaguely. There was a big furry carpet in the middle of the room, a big leather couch in a corner, big plants and diamonds hanging in random places. And by the right wall there was a huge bed with a dozen pillows and shiny blankets, along with a shirtless Loco and three naked girls.

"Boss, we brought him" one of the guys said.

He sighed loudly and threw one of the girls off him.
"Can't you knock?" he growled.

He got up and put on a big robe, lazily waving at Yoongi to follow him. Loco opened a big door and stepped into a pitch black room. And as soon as Yoongi entered he was strangled and felt a gun pointing at his head.

"I have a delivery that needs to be picked up tomorrow at 10 by the West Tower. If you don't I'll bust your head open right now" Loco's voice boomed as he almost spat in Yoongi's ear.


"Good" he said and traced his hands down Yoongi's slender arms.
"Get outta here!" he yelled and pushed him towards the exit.

As soon as he got out of the front door he grabbed his phone and dialed his friend.

"Ya, can you pick me up?"

"Sure, where are u?"


A/n: I'm terribly sorry if this is like the worst thing you've ever read.. 🙏

Bad Habits ✔ Yoongi • JungkookNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ