Dead End (Part One)

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This chapter content OFFENSIVE LANGUAJE, and VIOLENCE. I deeply recommend your discretion.

"Such a pleasant surprise" He talked to Charlotte, a little bit cautios.

"I'm here to see my husband, I hope to be on time before his lunch time" She smiled him frankly.

"That's good, by the way, today is the day"

He stepped into the elevator and she followed him.


"Yes, did you finished what you have to or not?"

"It doesn't matter, I want them in jail"

"The cherry on the top, will be the divorce order." He smiled to her.

"I like that." The door opened, showing a confusing Victor, looking his wife so happy and brightly next to his boss.

"Griffin" Sebatian's voice brought him back on earth, and Charlotte hugged him.

He moved her and dragged her into the elevator.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well... you work here, are you mad?"

Victor ignored her, and the rage began to burst until he saw Charlotte's eyes. She looked worried, nothing else, and for that reason he calmed a little bit.

"I'm sorry, what are you doing here?"

"We are going to dinner with the Millers, but I have to do with Maddie some errands, please wait for me, ok?"

"Yeah, ok"

The air was heavy, he felt uneasy on that place, it was like a storm was coming upon him.

A silence reign in there, after many said that the boss had an emergency and left the building, and hours after he cameback.

Victor saw two suspicious man, wearing suits and talking to Henry and he went to the bathroom.

He observed himself quietly on the mirror, and he texted Valery.

"Buy two plane tickets, we're leaving tonight"

He waited for a moment and heard voices, peeking in the door he saw how those men entered to a office next to his.

Also he saw how Henry and Sebastian were standing out of his office.

He had to make a move, as fast as he could. He waited until all were gather around Sebastian, and he could easily got away; the stairs were a little bit far, but he can leave without been noticed.

The perfect moment arrived and he slowly sneaked to the stairs, the he ran away to the parking lot.

He looked back, no one came after him, he was save for the moment, he took out his keys and left the place on his car.

"What are you doing here, why the rush?"

Valery said after she opened the door for him.

"They know, we have to go..."

She stood confused about the situation that they were having.

"Calm down and explain"

She tried to calm him, because he was so anxious. Victor glance through the window, into the city.

"They know, two guys showed up, I knew they were coming for me, we have to go, you understand me?"

"I thought, I mean, you said that Carmine had someone on mind..."

He passed his hand through his hair, and looked her eyes.

"Well, he don't..."

"What about Charlotte?"

"We'll deal with her after... prepare your things, we have to go."

"To where?"


Nina was picking some toys of the floor, while Marvin was watching a movie, then someone knocked at the door.

"Hey, you came ba... Victor, hi!" Nina smiled to him, and he entered looking for Charlotte.

"Where's Charlotte?"

Nina hesitated after she saw Victor's bad mood.

"She went out for a present, you guys have a dinner or something"

Victor only nodded and he saw Marvin and sat next to him. Nina remained quiet and stayed a little bit far away from them.

When the movie ended, Victor walked to his room and began to pack his things, Nina tried hard, and she kept her questions.

She saw the hour and she bathed Marvin, and picked some clothes for the dinner.

Victor saw his cellphone, he got some missing calls, many of them from Valery and a text.

"Got the tickets, I'll wait for you"

"I'll just check some stuff, and I'll catch up with you"

He didn't wait for a reply, he observed the place and walked to his studio. He opened the drawers and took some important papers, even the divorce papers, he took some money he had in there and checked his bank account one more time.

He was amused, after seeing that every number dissapeared somehow, he checked again and again, but the result was the same, his money was gone, but how? Just one person might know, and that person was a stone on his way to happiness.

He observed the monitor, and after he debated himself, it was time to take cards into the matter; Charlotte has to be stopped... that night.

He had an idea, a perfect idea. One that Charlotte will fit to the perfection, and no one would bother him anymore, or Valery.

He looked for Nina and he gave her some bills, and say goodbye to her.

"Are you sure of this? I mean.."

"Go, you have to attend classes, right?"


"Then go, I'll take care of Marvin."

"Ok, his playing on his room, I gotta go, see you later"



She arrived to her home, carrying a cake on her hand, knocking the door with the other one, she opened the door and everything was in silent; Charlotte thought that Nina was with Marvin on his room, and she went to the kitchen placing the cake on the fridge.

She called Nina, but there was no response, and then something scared her. Victor was  face to face.

The tension was palpable, he was in front of her, watching her with fury. The air was heavy, there's silent in the whole room, she couldn't move, she couldn't talk, she couldn't do anything because of the shock.

Her husband was carrying a gun on his right hand, the blood stains were visible in the sleeve of his shirt. She gulped, knowing that was the end.

"Darling, what have you done?"

"Darling? Are you mocking me? What I have done? This is what you have done, everything is your damn fault..." He walked towards her.

"My fault? This could be avoided if you gave the divorce, but you didn't..."  She was walking slowly away from him.

"Where's Marvin?"

"Your little bastard is sleeping" After hearing those words Charlotte ran into Marvin's room, and she walked in the darkness until she reached his bed. Charlotte touched his little head and kiss it, then her fingers touched the sheets... something thick was on them and she turned on the lights, seeing the blood out of his little body, her soul almost abandoned her body, and her heart dropped when she observed the scene.

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