SP XII - Losing

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Taeyeon hastily wiped her tears but it kept streaming down "No I won't give up!" She snorted. "I love her and I need to win her back! I can do it!" She said with her perky but groggy voice.

Taeyeon smiled at her own cheer and she sorta felt better. Again she gave the place a once over as her eyes landed on the couch she was sitting, she noticed something underneath the pillow and took it. "It was Tiffany's phone! She went here!" Taeyeon shouted inside her mind and the corner of her mouth quirked up but Tiffany's phone was low batt. Duh.. -_- But where would Tiffany go? Taeyeon could sense that she's on the right track though.

Taeyeon tried to think deeply "Where are you?" She bit her nails while she jiggled her foot "Where? Where? Where will you go Pani?" Taeyeon stood up and she walked around then loomed closer to the upright piano. She looked at the picture there, it's still there, she was with Taehyung. Then she stared at her brother "Taehyung oppa, where is she now huh? Please help me. Can you give me a clue my brotha?" She chuckled.

Taeyeon just stared at the picture then a light bulb popped up in her head "Right! Maybe she's there!" She shrieked and scrutinized the picture, it was taken in her hometown "Jeonju..." She remembered that Tiffany was so excited to go there "Thank you Taehyung oppa.. Wish me luck!" This time she felt and she was sure that Tiffany was in Jeonju right now. Sighed, I hope so! 

Taeyeon grabbed her stuffs as well as Tiffany's phone then she rushed out. She was so excited to see Tiffany. But what if it's just random thought of her? In spite of that, Taeyeon made up her mind and prepared herself for the consequences of her idea, she will go to Jeonju no matter what. She will stake her last hope for this. 

Taeyeon drove 121 miles for almost three hours just to go in Jeonju, she just listened to her instinct and she was full of hope that this time she's right. She arrived there almost 5 pm.

First, she went to the hotel where she as Taehyung made reservation last three years ago and asked the receptionist if there's Hwang Tiffany that checked in. Unfortunately, there's none.

Then she went at the ahjumma eatery but Tiffany wasn't there. Nayeon saw her and was calling her but she just ignored it because all that matters to her was to find Tiffany. It's her priority for now.

She went to the Hanok Village, she strolled her car there but there's no sign of Tiffany. She was tired and again, she was losing hope that she will see Tiffany there. Well, that's very random and why would Tiffany go there? She don't have any friends and relatives in Jeonju. But Taeyeon motivated herself, she knows that her love was just near somewhere.

Taeyeon headed on her parents' grave, she saw flowers there, and her features brightened "Pani ah? You came here?" She squatted and stared at her parents' grave "Mom, dad? Did Tiffany come here? Did you see her?" Then the wind blew a little hard and it was like dancing around as the leaves flew in the air with circular motion "Is that a yes... Or no?" She forcefully shut her eyes and her chest rose then fell rapidly.

"Jeondong..." Taeyeon suddenly murmured "Mom, dad.. Is she there?" Then the wind blew with much more force again "I'll take that as yes, thank you eomma, appa!" She stood up and bowed 90 degrees "I gotta go, I love you both!" Then she ran towards her car.

Taeyeon was driving again and she was on her way to Jeondong Cathedral, she remembered how much she prayed for Tiffany and realized that she really loves the girl. She sped up because she was so eager and impatient to go there.

After half hour, she arrived at Jeondong it was already dark outside, the exact time was 6:57 pm. She quickly went out of the car and ran, she entered the church and she was panting. There was a girl sitting in front, it was like Tiffany's back.

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