SP VIII - Make Up Make Love

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Jessica and Tiffany went to the mall and shopped. They also bought new dress for Tiffany's dinner date. Tiffany was somewhat not in herself, she was thinking about Taeyeon and Jiwon. It's not that she didn't trust Taeyeon but she thought Jiwon is a flirt girl, she will do anything to get Taeyeon.

The time has come, dinner in a fancy restaurant. All people there looked rich apparently in their clothes and gestures. Tiffany was sitting in front of Minho, the latter was handsome and he seemed a good guy.

Tiffany was wearing a light pink wrap dress while the guy was wearing gray casual long sleeve and brown pants. Tiffany was really beautiful with her simple dress, she's still stunning.

The two already ordered their meals with steep champagne.

"You're so beautiful Tiffany, I'm glad that I met you," Minho politely said.

Tiffany just smiled and nodded while she continued to eat.

"So you're single?" Minho asked admiring Tiffany's beauty.

Tiffany didn't react to the guy's question. She don't know what to answer because if she will deny Taeyeon again, she will feel more guilty than ever. Tiffany gave a small smile to Minho.

"I'll take that as a yes. Besides, if you're not single probably, you won't come here right?" Minho chuckled.

Tiffany heavily exhaled, quietly and looked intently to Minho "Minho to be straight, I'm just here for my mom. I'm not really interested to have a blind date."

"Oh is that so?" Minho became sad as he bowed his head looking at his food.

"We can be friends Minho," Tiffany suggested .

"Sure I'm okay with that," Minho said looking back at Tiffany with a smile "Because all starts there I guess, if she's single maybe I have a chance."

"Thank you that you understand Minho," Tiffany gave eye smile to him.

"Oh calm down, Minho, she's really beautiful with that smile," Minho could feel the heat on his face. "No problem, I-I'm here just to have a new friend too," he stated.

"Then, we're good!" Tiffany happily said then she continued to eat.

They continued to chat as friends, knowing each others more. Tiffany was comfortable with Minho because she found a new friend to him. Minho is kind, gentleman and also a joker. Tiffany often laugh with his crazy jokes.

Conversely, Tiffany bid her goodbye to Minho as early as possible, she didn't want Taeyeon to wait for her. Tiffany was excited to go home and see her lover. She wanted to tell what happened to their date, that she don't have to worry because Minho was just a friend.

Tiffany was texting Taeyeon, she was also calling the midget but it didn't respond to her. Maybe she was home and waiting for her so Tiffany sped up her car because she can't wait to see Taeyeon.


At Taeyeon's house.

Tiffany arrived there, she was calling out for Taeyeon but there's no answer. She tried to find the blonde but still, there's no sign of Taeyeon in the house. She wasn't home yet. Tiffany tried to phone Taeyeon again but this time Taeyeon's phone was unreachable. Maybe she was out of battery.

Tiffany sighed in frustration, she went home early to see Taeyeon but the latter wasn't there. Taeyeon didn't bother to text or call her. Is she busy with Jiwon? But why? How important it is? She's worried and also, she's jealous on the attention Taeyeon was giving to Jiwon.

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