Chapter 8 - He caught me

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Outside Tiffany's house.

Taeyeon and Tiffany were still in the car. Taeyeon drove Tiffany home. They couldn't hide their smile on their faces.

"Thank you for the ride TaeTae."

"You're welcome Pani, good night."

Tiffany nodded and she was about to leave but she remember one thing "Ah, Tae! I have a gift for you, I bought it this morning."


Tiffany  got her bag and pulled out a rectangular box "Here Tae," she gave it to Taeyeon.

Teayeon took the box "What's this? But you already have a gift right?"

"Just open it Tae," Tiffany gave eye smile.

Taeyeon opened the box, it's a necklace with key pendant.

"It's a couple thingy, I have the lock pendant." Tiffany showed Taeyeon that she wore the necklace "The lock pendant represents my heart, and you're the only one who can open it with that key."

"Sweet... thank you Pani ah. I will treasure it, I promise. And I will always wear it."

Tiffany nodded "Happy birthday TaeTae, drive safe."

Taeyeon just nodded and Tiffany went out. Taeyeon started the engine and was about to leave when suddenly Tiffany climbed in again.

"What? Did you forget something?"

Tiffany nodded "This..." She leaned forward and pecked Taeyeon's lips "I love you."

Taeyeon smiled "I love you too Pani," she kissed Tiffany on forehead.

Tiffany giggled "Drive safe, see you tomorrow at school."

"Okay, see you."

Tiffany went out of the car and she waved her hands for goodbye. Taeyeon just smiled and slowly left the place. 

When Taeyeon's car disappeared at Tiffany's sight, she was giggling and she shouted like a dolphin with her highest tone. She feel amazing and remembering what happened made her blushed. "I really love him, this feeling was so amazing. Finally, he's mine!!!" She sighed in relief and opened main door of their house.


Morning. At school.

Jessica and Tiffany were sitting in the canteen, drinking milk. They were different today, their smile were distinct and this was the first time they're seen like this. Blooming and in love.

 "Chincha? You and Yuri are now official?" Tiffany said, obviously she was happy.

Jessica shyly nodded.

"I'm happy for you Jessi! Finally, you opened your heart to him. He's worthy."

"I know Tiffany, he's really a gentleman and I regret it because I'm so stupid that I always reject him in past," Jessica slightly shook her head.

Tiffany held Jessica's shoulder "Don't be Jessi, it's okay... what's important is you and Yuri are together now."

"I guess so. How about you and Taehyung? He's your boyfriend now right?"

Tiffany giggled "Yes he is."

"Aishh, you're so in love with that midget? You can't even hide it," Jessica teased.

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