He cleared his throat.

"I can see why you really liked it here"

I nodded slowly and unlocked my doors as the garage door opened and Cat smiled at me as she approached the car.

"Ty left like 20 minutes ago"

"For once in his life he will be early to something" I told her.

She laughed and opened the back door.

"Hey boy"

She cooed at him as she picked him up.

"Ty and I are making kabobs tonight, you're coming"

George laughed.

"I like how Cat forces you to hang out with her"

Cat smiled.

"I do not, she loves me"

"Do I bring something?" I asked.

"Just yourself"

I nodded.

"I'll bring some snacks" I stated.

"Healthy snacks because Ty shouldn't be eating anything unhealthy"

We both laughed, she was referring to the guy who ate cupcakes almost everyday. I watched as she reached over and muted the conversation.

"Have you called your Swede?"

"He's not my Swede" I told her.


I rolled my eyes.

"He still can be if you call him"

"No" I replied.

She pouted.

"Babe, you have to face him someday"

"I vote someday" I stated as I un-muted the call.

"Fine, run away from your problems"

She stuck her tongue out at me as I drove away.

"She's like the older sister we never wanted"

"I am your older sister" I told him.

"Those three minutes don't count!"

"So your internship" I said changing the subject.

He sighed.

"I punched someone in the face yesterday"

"Did he deserve it?" I asked.


"What did he do to piss you off?" I wondered.

"Remember those nudes that leaked of Esmeralda?"

She had a stalked her freshmen year and he literally took pictures of her while she was showering (mind you she was a minor at the time!)

"Yeah" I said.

I did not like where this was going.

"Well you know Esmeralda is interning with me as well"

Esmeralda was also abroad in Toronto. What was hilarious how those two did not tell each other where they were going to study abroad. I literally cackled when George posted a selfie of him and Esme with he caption, "Look who I found! #GeorgetakeToronto

"I figured" I admitted.

"Yeah, so one of the other interns printed out all the pictures and like posted them in the hallway leading to the rink"

Take A Chance On Me || William NylanderWhere stories live. Discover now