Chapter 4

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Feels super early, but it's actually 10:07 PM right now. I'm so confused? :v

"What do you mean, Lux collapsed in class?" Kirito asked in frustration, shaking the poor (Hair Color) girl.

"Exactly what I said." (Y/N) hissed, rubbing her eyes furiously.

Standing near the front doors of the school, the two were preparing to leave, after a lot of intense arguing.

Pull yourself together, (Y/N). What would mom say? (Y/N) shook her head.

"LUX!" (Y/N) slammed through the hospital doors, storming strait up to the front desk, slamming her fists on the desk. "Tell me where my sister is or so help you god I will cut your throat out."

The woman sitting behind the desk stared at her before blinking. "Name of Patient?" She inquired.

"Lux." (Y/N) flinched slightly. Kirito placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"(Insert random floor number and hospital door here)." The woman finally answered, placing her glasses on the table and waving them off.

"Elevator. Now." (Y/N) growled, gripping Kirito by the collar of his shirt. She dragged him, almost literally, through the hospital.

The pair arrived at the hospital room, and (Y/N) pushed the door open slowly.

"Morning." Lux's voice filled the air. She grinned faintly. "Nice to see you here."

"The hell is wrong with you?" Kirito flashed to the younger brunette's side.

Lux shrugged half heartedly. "Splintering headache, fever, fabulous cough, stomach ache.." She paused. "I think the better question is what isn't wrong with me at this point."

Kirito shook his head angrily.

"My god, Lux." (Y/N) shook her head furiously. "You have me a heart attack." She breathed out.

"You're welcome." Lux replied flatly. "So. What's the nurses say? Anything?"

"No, nothing. Why?" Kirito asked, crouching down beside the bed.

"Oh, nothing huh?" Lux shook her head. "I guess I'm gonna die." She offered.

Kirito raised his eyebrows. "Seriously, Lux."

"Dead serious." Lux retorted. "They said I would be super lucky if I lived for the next three days. But I might die today. Isn't that swell?" She snorted. "Dead serious. Haha."

"Do not do this." (Y/N) hissed.

"Three days? Three days? What the hell?" Kirito snapped.

"Yeah. I wish I was able to say bye to

She had actually named a lavender plant Sol (there were some things (Y/N) didn't question. This was one of those things).

( (Y/N) snorted. If looks could kill, she'd be six feet under already)

"Kirito. Hallway. Now." (Y/N) hissed, pushing the ravenette out of the room and slamming the door.

"USE PROTECTION!" Lux shouted, and chuckled to herself as she rolled over in the hospital bed.

"Ow, stop pushing me!" Kirito squeaked, ducking as (Y/N) made an aggressive swing at his head.

"Please shut up for a change!" (Y/N) ranted, dropping her head into her hands.

Kirito fell silent. The (h/c) girl was breathing heavily, eyes wide, irises tiny slits against the white of her eyes.

"Look. I need to go." (Y/N) hissed. She turned on her heel, lifting her backpack off the ground from where she'd dropped it.

It's Just Not Fair! (SAO; Kirito X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now