Chapter Two

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                ~~~No ones POV~~~
As Y/N threw herself on her bed, hugging her pillow and crying, Lux was in her own room, finishing her homework.

A few houses away, Kirito was in his house, flopped on the couch in his living room, snapping his pencil in half out of frustration, then realizing what he did, drop kicked a pillow across the room.

Closer to the school was Asuna, walking back to her own house. She'd stayed after school to catch up on what she missed, and her house was a street away from Y/N, Lux, and Kirito.

Each dealing with a problem of their own, they struggle together.

               ~~~With Lux~~~
(Hey, new thing I'm trying!~)

  Lux was sitting at her desk, tapping her eraser against her paper. She glanced over at her phone, which was still playing music.

Am I the only one I know.
Waging my wars behind my face and above my throat?
Shadows will scream that I'm alone, lone, lone
I've got a migraine!
And my pain will reach from up down and sideways.
Thank god is Friday, cause Friday's will always be better than Sunday's, cause Sunday's are my suicide days!
I don't know why they, always seem so dismal.
Thunderstorms, clouded snow, and a slight drizzle.
Whether it's the weather or the letters by my bed, sometimes death seems better than the migraine in my head.

Eventually finishing her homework, Lux shut her music off and tossed her homework into the homework folder, shoving that into her bag.

She exited her room, before smirking and changing the song. She hurried down the hallway and flung Y/N's door open, sliding in.

"MIIISTY YER GONNA MIIIISSS MEEE WHEN IM GOOONNNE. IM GONE FOREVER."  (Actually, this is a good song for Pokémon fans. It's called "Misty" by Natewantstobattle)

Y/N fell off her chair. "LUX!" She yelled, holding up a pillow in defense. "JEEZ!"

"Alright, alright." Lux laughed, leaving the room and purposely leaving the door open.


              ~~~With Kirito~~~

"Hello?" Kirito asked as he picked up the phone.

"Hey Kirito-kun!" Asuna replied, and it was clear she was smiling over the phone.

Kirito smiled slightly. "Hi Asuna. How are you?"

"I'm fine, thanks. I stayed at school for a bit to catch up on what work I missed."

"That sounds like fun."

"Sure, yeah. Hey, would you like to come over and hang out for a bit?" Asuna asked him.

Kirito closed his eyes. Today was Tuesday, and usually he and Y/N hung out for a bit. Then again, Y/N was upset as hell at him, for whatever reason.

".. I'll get back to you on that." Kirito said as politely as he could.

"O-oh, okay. See you!" Asuna said, sounding a tad disappointed. She hung up, and Kirito placed the phone down.

The doorbell rang.

Standing up, Kirito strolled to the door and opened it.

Lux kicked him in the shins and glared up at him. "You son of a-"

Kirito clamped his hand over her mouth before she could finish her sentence. "Language." He said calmly, stepping back and releasing her.

She glared at him and put her hands on her hips. "Kazuto, I'll have you know my sister is bawling her eyes out in her room and refusing to come out."

Kirito's eyes widened. "W-what? Why?"

She glared a bit more ferociously. "Because you snapped at her for calling you Kirito, when she was the one who gave you said nickname." 


"Well, don't stand there being a useless lump! Come help me get her out!" Lux yelled. "You lazy son of a b-" once again, Kirito clamped his hand over her mouth.

Lets mention that he earned weird looks from some of the neighbors.
For a long time.

Me: Oh, I'm a horrible person, I know, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, rip cliffhanger, I hate my life, so sorry, please don't hurt me!
Kirito: Um.. Author?
Lux: //sweatdrops// Kazuto, she's in a bad mood. Not a good idea.
Me: //Looks up with fire in eyes// dID SOMEONE SAY MY NAME ILL KILL THEM
Kirito: Oh shoot //runs frantically in circles// I CANT KILL HER!
Lux: Kazuto you are so useless
You: //turns around and observes the scene, sweatdropping// Oh dear, this might be hard to clean up...
Lux: I'll agree with you on that. But hey. If you can't stop them, join them! //she tears away and leaps on both me and Kirito.// ALRIGHT KNOCK IT OFF LADIES.
Kirito: IM A MAN!
Lux: YAH SURE DONT ACT LIKE ONE! //she pulls his hair//
Kirito: OW! //he slaps her hand away// I GET IT!
Me: YOU SURE?! //tackles both//
Lux and Kirito: AUTHOR! //both kick author//
Me: //stands up and grabs both of their arms, pinning them to the ground// GOT SOMETHIN' TO SAY??
Lux and Kirito: N-no ma'am! //terrified yelping//
You: //observes the scene and sighs// Author does not own Sword Art Online, or me. But she can rightfully claim Lux and this story!

It's Just Not Fair! (SAO; Kirito X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now