6.You have a fan acount, fans doesn't know

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this one sucks ass haha sorry, wrote this myself xx 

Louis -


You love intereacting with the fans and getting there ideas and telling the boys about it!

Zayn - 


You love making wicked edits of the boys, but mostly your boyfriend Zayn that most fans freaked out over about because of how good they are! 

Niall -


You love making vine edits which most of the fans freaked out over about!

Harry -


Since there was tons of fan fiction about your boyfriend Harry, you decided to make one yourself, since you love writing stories. 

Liam - 


You've always been a huge fan of One Direction before you and Liam started dating, so you decided to make a tumblr acc dedicated to them. A few fans figured out that it was you, but they promised not to tell anyone. 

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