Part 15 - Pre-Meet

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Omgieeee I haven't updated in ages ._.

I'm terrible person I know... But there has been lot going on in my life and adjusting to new school and making friends sure is one big headache xD . Isn't it same case for you guys!?

Nevertheless It's summer break noww ^_^
So I'm gonna try and finish this story ASAP and I'm working on my other write up Back in time too.

Just have some patience lovelies <3


"Dad, I'm ready to marry Aryan. Please fix the date soon."  Sanyukta announced

"What? Oh my god , Sanyukta. You have made me so happy. I'll right away pick up a good date" Mr.Agarwal beamed

Aryan gave a What-the-hell-are-you-doing look to Sanyukta and signed her to meet him outside.

"Are you insane!?" He yelled

"No Aryan. I'm just being Practical. " Sanyukta answered calmly

"What practical? You can't say yes to marriage just like that knowing you love someone" Aryan said.

"Aryan. That's true. That is what I believed up till now. But things change. I'm here mad for a person whose real name I don't know. For God sake, even if I track him down what's the guarantee that things will change between us for all we know he has totally forgotten about Adithi" Sanyukta pointed


"Aryan... I wanna begin a new life. Move on from him. For doing that, agreeing to marriage is necessary. And if you aren't ready for this marriage then I'll talk to dad myself. I can understand" she said

"God, Sanyukta. I want to marry you. More than I want to do anything in my life. I just wasn't sure because you never seemed to have any sort of feelings for me" Aryan let out

"I can understand. I was crazy before. But now I see things clearly. You're like...  favourite person in this world. My best friend and supporter throughout everything. You never know we may end up like Monica and -Chandler" Sanyukta explained while Aryan smiled

"If this is what you want... I'm really glad you took this decision. Thank you" Aryan hugged Sanyukta.


Randhir got ready very consciously next day. He knew he was gonna be facing Aditi... his Aditi after this long. A small smile formed on his as soon as he imagined her face.

Sanyukta Agarwal... Her name is Sanyukta. What a pretty name. He thought

Randhir's mom walked up to her son "I haven't seen you this happy in days... What happened son? "

"You remember that girl I talked about Maa." His mom nodded "I'm gonna meet her" he kissed Renuka on cheek and fled away with a quick goodbye

At his office, his secretary informed him about how he has to attend a meeting with all the members of the agarwal company he retained. He first gave affirmative response but later thought if he was gonna meet all Agarwal employees then he would have to face her. And meeting wasn't the place their reunion was supposed to take place. So, he said he would be meeting up the employees personally.

It all seemed like a good plan...

He met one by one employees and kept Sanyukta for the last. Moment came which he was anticipating for.

His secretary buzzed him "Sanyukta Agarwal is next sir"

He immediately turned his chair away towards the wall. He wanted it to be a surprise.


"Enter" Randhir said in a deep voice.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaanddd bam... Cliffy *Evil laughs*

But they're gonna meet in next chapter.

So if you want the chapter to come out early, then you know what to do ;)))

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They mean everything to me.

Love n Hugs

||SanDhir|| Incognito Love ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum