Chapter 9 - Unleashed Desires

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Sanyukta was shocked by the sudden act of Christopher. Her heart paced fastly as she kneeled beside the Clara.

She lightly touched Clara 's hairs and told "Nothing will happen to you."

Crowd caught Christopher while police were on their way. Randhir made his way up to sanyukta. Sanyukta pulled Clara's head over her legs and caressed her cheeks.
"You'll be fine"

Clara beckoned Sanyukta. She bent towards Clara's ears, tears fishing from her eyes. Clara slowly whispered "Don't leave Ayush. You seem perfect together"

Sanyukta laughed between her tears. Clara slowly closed her eyes. Sanyukta got alert . She shoke Clara vigorously"wake up. Wake up"

She looked up to randhir "Ayush. Do something , wake her up."

Randhir shook his head ,crying a bit.

"No, she can't be. She's not dead. She can't be.. Ayush. Call ambulance" Sanyukta cried.

"No Aditi. It's.... it's over " he said slowly

Police came by then and arrested Christopher. They asked Randhir to take Sanyukta aside. Sanyukta wasn't ready to leave Clara. Randhir tried pleading her. And when she didn't listen, he pulled her forcefully out of there

"No. It's all a bad dream" Sanyukta said

"Hmm..yes. it''s a bad dream. Come" randhir walked Sanyukta out of crime scene.

"Ayush... It's all fake Na." She whined

"Yes." He assured her and made her sit in the restaurant they had been earlier as he had to give his witness statement to the police.

Sanyukta walked to bar counter helping herself with some shots of vodka. She drank until Randhir was back. He was shocked to find her drinking. He took her out of the restaurant.

She stumbled her way across the room. Randhir decided not to leave her alone especially after what had happened that night. He ,being a male, was panicked while she was just a girl . He couldn't even imagine what she might have been feeling..seeing that man stab a woman gruesomely.

He led Sanyukta to his bed and made her sleep and covered her with duvet. Sanyukta sat upright again.

"He did it. He killed her . Right in front of me... all my fault" she said in a slurry voice.

Randhir came and say beside her. "No hon. It's not your fault. Nothing is your fault. Whatever happened couldn't be stopped by you. "

"You think so" she asked innocently

He nodded and stood up to sleep on the couch. She caught his wrist and pulled him back. "Please don't leave me. Don't leave me. Not alone. Not today at least" she cried

He saw the crying figure in front of him. She was in vulnerable state. Tears flooding and guilt dripping from her eyes. Randhir found his heart melt. Only one thing he couldn't tolerate was crying women.

He sat down beside her again and kissed away her tears. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead. He gently caressed her cheeks. She looked at him with teary eyes. There was something in those eyes which made h feel something different. He felt his chest tightening. He has a sudden urge to make her feel comfortable, to make her feel that she was loved.

He engulfed her into a tight hug. If it was any other girl, he would have led it forward but it was Aditi before him.Vulnerable,crying and drunk aditi. It would be wrong to do anything with her. Whatever would happen would be regretted very badly by her tomorrow morning.

While Sanyukta found warmth in his arms. She tend to have forgotten all her emotions she had been experiencing till now. She felt that place was where she belonged and she wanted to stay there all night .

Randhir took control of himself and wanted to get off from there to stop himself from doing anything wrong. On contrary,just this night , Sanyukta agarwal wanted to do what her heart wanted. She wanted to be loved by him.

She made her move and sealed her lips to his.

And then that night,

Their clothes shred. Desires unleashed. Heartbeats synced. Hands roamed.Bodies merged. Moans escaped.

And most importantly

Their souls surrendered.


A/N - Done with this part. Hell, this was so difficult for a amateur writer like me to write. Hope you have enjoyed this

Now do you understand why last part was important for the story 😉

Thank-you so much for the numerous votes and comments for the previous part.

Next part soon. Until then vote, comment and follow.


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