Find That Truck While Escaping Chuck

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Nobody's POV

"Ok,now to find that truck,"Corey said.

"If I where a truck where would I be?"Kon muttered.

"This is gonna take forever,"Corey muttered.


"Kin?"LL said.

"Yeah?"Kin said.

"Was that the only costume you had for Corey?"LL asked.

"Nope,I just wanted to torture him,"Kin said.

When they got to the Penn house hohold,Larry and Lily where at the front door.

"Hi Kin!"Lily yelled.

"Hey Lily,"Kin said.

"Who's the kid?'Lily aked,"She's my age."

"Lily,I explained this to you,"Larry said.

"So that's how Laney looked like when she was my age,"Lily said.

"Yeah,"Larry said.

"Dude,thanks for the help,"Kin said.

"No problem,"Larry said.

"Oh,and look at this,"Kin said taking out his phone,bringing out the picture of Corey.

"Dude,he's gonna kill you!"Larry laughed.

"He already made his threat,"Kin said.

"Do you have a plan for that?"Larry asked.

"Not yet,"Kin said.

"OK,anyways,don't you guys have something to do?"Larry asked.

"Oh,yeah..."Kin said.

Kin turns around and gives LL the clothes Larry gave them.

"I look less than a girl than Corey,"LL joked.

She was wearing a blue T-shirt,black pants,and a big black beanie covering up her fire red hair.

"Yeah,that's the point,"Kin said.

"Ok,whatever,let's find that truck,"LL said.

"Let's go,"Kin said.

"Bye Larry,bye Lily!"LL called out.

Then Kin and LL ran off to find the truckA few minutes later Kin and LL finally found the truck.

"Ok now to get the plasma,"KIn said.

"Hey kid!"the truck driver yelled.

"Ok,I got a crazy plan that just might work,"Kin said.

Then his cell rang,and he picked it up.

"Hello?"Kin said.

"Dude did you just steal my line again,"Corey asked through the phone.

"How did you..."Kin said.

"I have my ways,"Corey said.

Then Kin hanged up.

"What was that about?"LL asked.

"I don't know,"Kin said,"Anyways let's get that plasma."

Kin made a hole with a knife and asked the guy for his order.then Kin got the plasma.

"Wow,I should have done this before,but also this bubble is larger,"Kin said.

"Ok tell Corey and let's make me 13 again,"LL said.

Kin called Corey and told him that they had the plasma.Then Kin and LL headed back towards the Groj.

"Ok now let's get this machine to work,"Kin said,"Laney get in."

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