Escaping the Criminal

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Nobody's POV

"Help!Help!"LL yelled.

"Shut it girl no one will hear you,"a man said.

"Let me go!"LL yelled thrashing around.

"Not until I know how much your family and friends care about you,"the man said.

"You big jerk!"LL yelled.

"You'll shut up of I'll kill you right on the spot,"the man said.

The man took out a dagger and held it next to her throught.LL stared to silently cry and turned her head.

"I'll leave this right here to remind you,"the man said placing the dagger near by LL's foot.

Then he left the room.LL quickly brought the dagger to her hand and started cutting the rope.She knows how to this because her father has done this to her before.Once she cutted the ropes from her hands she cutted the ropes on her feet.She then she placed the dagger on a table and looked around the room.She found a venelation shaft and unscrewed it with the dagger,climbed in and shuted the shaft again.Back at the Groj,Katrina,LC,and Kon came in.

"Kin were have a major problem,"Katrina said.

"What did Corey do now?"Kin asked.

"Hey!"LC yelled still whiping this tears.

"It wasn't Corey's fault,Kon slept on the job and left Laney to get kidnapped!"Katrina said.

"That was my next guess,anyways I finished the machine,"Kin said.

"Great,let's get Corey to use it,"Kon said.

"Corey,can you go in Kin's machine?"Katrina asked.

"Is it gonna explode?"LC asked.

"No it wont ,"Katrina said.

"Maybe,"Kin muttered.

"Fine I'll go in it,"LC said.

"Wait,will you be gone when he's back to normal?"Kon asked Katrina.

"No,I have control this whole week,"Katrina said,"Hard to explain."

"Oh,ok,"Kon said.

LC got into the machine and Kin started it up.Luckily it didn't blow up.When the glowing stoped,regular 13 year old Corey stepped out.

"Yay Corey's back!"Kin yelled.

"Ok now let's go find Laney,"Kon said,"Corey do you rember anything?"

"Yeah I rember a whole lot,"Corey said giving Kin a stare.

"Dude,I'm sorry,you where just too bratty,"Kin said.

"I'll deal with you later,we need to go find Lanes,"Corey said.

The group splitted up and searched for LL.Meanwhile,LL was still sneaking around in the shafts.Then a little rat came up to her.

"Umm...excuse me do you know how to get out of here?"LL asked it.

The rat nodded it's head yes and started scurrying to the way out.LL followed it until she saw some light.

"Thank you mister rat,"LL said kicking down the pannel.

LL jummped from the shaft,and started running away from the place.However,she got lost in the streets of Peacevill.

"Where do I go now?"she muttered to herself.

She ran near town hall and sat on the steps.She started to cry.Then Larry passed by without his group and saw her there.

"Hey are you ok?"he asked her.

When she looked up art Larry,it hitted him,that was his sister.

"Laney is that you?"Larry asked.

"Yeah,I'm Laney,how do you know me?"LL said.

"I'm your brother,and it looks like Kin turned you to a six year old,"Larry said.

"Larry is that you?"LL said whiping her tears.

"Yep,"Larry said picking up LL.

She started to cry in this arms.

"Lanes what happened?"Larry asked.

"Some guy took me away and tied me up,"LL said.

"Just like dad,"Larry said.

"Yeah,just like him,"LL said.

"Now I need away to explain this to Ashly,"Larry muttered.

"Larry I'm sleepy,"LL yawned.

"Go ahead and sleep k,"Larry said.

"Ok,"LL said.

She laid her head on Larry's shoulder and fell asleep.

"Now how do I give you back to Kin,without anyone finding out I'm your brother,"Larry muttered.

He setted LL down on some grass and pulled this hoodie up and some sun glasses on.Then he woke up LL.

"Hey Lanes wake up,"Larry said shaking LL.

"I'm up,I'm up,"LL said.

"Ok let's get you to Corey's"Larry said.

"Why the get up bro?"LL asked.

"Well I'm not exactlly friends with Corey,"Larry said.

"Oh,yeah,"LL said.

They stared going towards Corey's place.On the other side of town Kon,Katrina and Corey are still looking for Lanes.

"Come on this,is like playing Where's Waldo!"Corey yelled in anger.

"Corey calm down man,"Kon said.

"Sorry it's just that she's out there as a 6 year old,you all know she was very defenseless at that age,"Corey said.

"Yeah we know,the abusive father,"Kon said.

"Can you two stop fighting and search!"Katrina yelled.

"Ok,"both boys said.

"What a woman,"Kon said.

Corey slapped Kon on the back of his head,and gave him a death stare.

"I don't know what you see in her,"Corey said.

Back at the Groj Larry and LL finally arrived.

"Kin!Are you there?!"Larry yelled.

"Dosen't Kin hate you?"LL asked.

"Nah,we became friends when he found out about us being related,"Larry said.

"Oh,ok,"LL said.

Kin opened the Groj door.And saw Larry and LL.

"Dude you found her?!"Kin said.

"Yeah,she was on the city hall steps crying,"Larry said.

"We'll I got to to tell the guys and Katrina,you better go,"Kin said.

"Ok,fix her before Ashly finds out,then your all dead if she does,"Larry said.

"Ok,see ya man,"Kin said.

"You must be smart to find out we're related,"LL said.

"It was easy,your last name is Penn his fake last name was Nepp,spell Nepp backwords cross out one P,double the N,and you get Penn,"Kin said.

"Oh ok,"LL said.

Then a shattering sound came from upstairs.

"Kin!What's that?!"LL asked in fear.

"Get under the stage,"Kin said,"Now!"

They quickly hid under the stage.Foot steps came closer and closer to them.Kin started to text Corey and the others.

"Come here little kid I know your here,"a man said.

"Wha-oh,"LL whispered.

"I gotta call Corey now,"Kin whispered.

"Hurry,"LL whispered.

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