⠀ vii | it's the great pumpkin, veronica winchester

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From "Pilot" (1x01)

In Sam's old apartment, Jessica Moore smiles at him, dressed as a nurse for Halloween. Sam laughed and ducked his head.

"You know how I feel about Halloween."


From "Long-Distance Call" (3x14)

In the phone company basement, Sam and Clark struggled for the knife, exchanging blew as they moved about the room. Sam finally managed to pull the knife away as Lily broke free from her chair, hitting Clark and forcing him backwards into the wall. A spike, one of many on a corkboard, jams into the back of Clark's neck, killing him.


From "Scarecrow" (1x11)

Dean and Rachel ran through the forest, holding hands


From "The Magnificent Seven" (3x01)

In the bar, the demons heard the sound of a loud engine and Lily's motorcycle screeched to a stop, Isaac and Lily looked around, not having enough time to put their helmets on. Isaac jumped off and flung holy water at the demons


From "Roadkill" (2x16)

Dean and Rachel pointed their shotguns at Greeley

"Whoops." They shot Greeley in the head; he dissipated.


From "What Is and What Should Never Be" (2x20)

In the Djinn's warehouse, the Djinn opened his fist and blue light began to appear around his hand. When its hand was almost at Rachel's forehead Dean thrusted the knife into the back of the Djinn, turned it, The blue light drained from its eyes.


From "Fresh Blood" (3x07)

At the warehouse, Dean dug in his pocket and pulled out the Colt and fired a single bullet into her forehead, she convulsed, energy crackling, and slumped to the floor, at the same time as Isaac finally found his machete, slicing the head off the girl attacking Dean.


From "In My Time of Dying" (2x01)

In the hospital, Veronica went into the hallway and a spirit whooshed past her. She jumped back in shock, turning around


From "Folsom Prison Blues" (2x19)

Veronica lit a match.

The corpse went up in flames as Lily, Rachel, Sam, Veronica and Dean watched.


From "Jus in Bello" (3x12)

At the police station, Black smoke began to pour from the demons' mouths. The bodies of the possessed people fell to the ground as the smoke swirls around the ceiling.


From "Lazarus Rising" (4x01)

In the warehouse, Dean took the magic knife as the man got closer.

"Who are you?" He asked

"Castiel." He said

"I mean, what are you?" Dean asked, still glaring. Castiel looked over at him

𝐍𝐎 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃, supernatural ⁴ [ ✓ ]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora