⠀ iii | in the beginning

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From "Pilot" (1x01)

In the Winchester house, Mary Winchester, wearing a white nightgown, was holding the had of a four-year-old child, Dean

Dean leaned over the side of Veronica's crib and kissed her on the forehead, then rushing over to Sam's to do the same.

"'Night, Sam, Night Ronica." Mary leaned over Sam as well.

"Good night, loves," She said smiling. She brushed Sam's hair back and kissed his forehead, then moved to Veronica to do the same.


John laughed as Mary passed John and Dean smiling.

"Sweet dreams, Veronica. Sweet dreams, Sam." John said, carrying the Dean out of the room


From "All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1" (2x21)

In the vision of the Winchester house, They watched as the past Yellow-Eyed Demon slices his own wrist with his nail. He dripped some of the blood onto Baby Sam's mouth.

Yellow-eyes (voiceover): " Ronnie – Sammy – you're my favorites."

The demon smirked. He watched as his past self moved towards Veronica's crib, dripping blood into her mouth too

"Does this mean we have demon blood in us?" Veronica asked.

Mary suddenly rushed back into the room. The past Yellow-Eyed Demon turned to her, revealing his colored eyes.

"It's you." Sam and Veronica stared in shock

"She knew you." They said in unison


Downstairs, Mary screamed, causing John to awaken.

"Mary?" he muttered worriedly as he scrambled out of the chair. "Mary!"


Mary began to walk closer, but the past Yellow-Eyed Demon forced her against the wall.

John ran upstairs, bursting through the closed door of the nursery.

"Mary." The room was quiet and appears empty except for Sam awake in his crib and John

John looked up. Mary was sprawled across the ceiling, the stomach of her nightgown red with blood, staring at John and struggling to breathe.

John collapsed onto the floor, staring at Mary.


From "Salvation" (1x21)

John was sat at a paper-strewn desk, the Colt in front of him

"Look, our whole lives we been searching for this demon," John said


𝐍𝐎 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃, supernatural ⁴ [ ✓ ]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя