Chapter 7.

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'I can't help it.'
'Well stop it woman!' Leslie said harshly to me with a smirk. I put my phone away, taking one last look at the screen. No message or missed call.
'Girl, you better fill me in. Coz this is crazy.'
I nodded, 'Trust me Les, I know.'
Leslie and I were standing in the kitchen of the SNL studio, sipping coffee. It was nearing six o'clock and I'd not heard anything from Sarah except for a single text saying, 'Coming with you today was such a great idea! Hope you're not working too hard!'
I was awaiting her text to take her home, I'd already let my colleagues know I might have to duck out, even though I knew it wasn't the most appropriate thing to do and was frowned upon. I wasn't going to be back to the State for probably a week and as crazy as I knew it sounded, I wanted a few more moments with this sweet woman.

Just as I was about to head back in to the round-table-read my phone chimed: Sarah.
'Hey Kate,' it read, 'I'm probably going to be ready to leave in about an hour or so, if that lift is still on offer.'
'Oh Sarah I have a lot more to offer
'Sure hon, let me
'Why don't you just stay at m
'Sure, sounds good. I will be finishing up around then. Text you when I'm done. Just head to NBC.'
I looked up from my phone to see Leslie staring at me, 'Mmmkay baby, we are gonna talk about this one...' I shook my head, flustered,' Leslie, there's something about this girl...I don't know what it is.'
Leslie made a loud, 'Uhhhuhh,' as we walked into the room.

'Hey,' I said with a warm smile. Sarah was standing outside the NBC Store, she walked towards me.
'How was work?' she asked returning my smile.
'It was great. But more importantly what did you get up to? Big day?'
'Yeah! Massive. I squeezed in a fair bit.'
We began the walk back to my apartment block, I smiled at Sarah, even though she was looking straight ahead. It was nearing eight o'clock and the streets were busy. People were bustling around, tourists snapping photos, cars lining the road.
'Different from Australia I bet.'
'Oh gosh, I can't even compare it.'
Our pace increased as we weaved our way through the busy footpath, I purposely bumped her shoulder with mine, grinning, 'Soooo? What did you do? Where did you go?'
Sarah chatted about her activities, I listened intently, commenting and creating discussion. I loved the way her eyes drifted off when she was talking about something meaningful to her.
We reached the car park and jumped in the car, continuing our conversation as I pulled out into the street.
'I love the atmosphere too,' Sarah explained, turning to me in the car,' everyone just seems so busy and in a rush to get places, but at the same time patient and friendly.'
I nodded, looking over to her then back to the road.
We were quiet, the gentle hum of the engine the only sound. It was soothing. I was disappointed I was going to be away from my new found company for at least a week. As if reading my thoughts Sarah spoke, 'Whhhhen are you..back then?'
'Probably a week from Wednesday. I have the Thursday through Sunday off.'
Sarah nodded at me and then looked back ahead.
I looked over at her, I desperately wanted her to show some display of disappointment.

I turned into our street, we had been silent for the rest of the journey, only a few comments about the week ahead being made. I pulled into my driveway, turning off the engine, unclipped my belt, opening the door.
'Oh no Kate, don't get out, you have to get back.'
'No it's okay,' I replied, both of us stepping out of the car. I walked over to her side of the vehicle and we walked slowly across the grassy patch to her house.
'I'm glad you enjoyed your day hon,' I said as we approached her porch, the yellowish lights had been left on inside and her house looked inviting.
'Thanks for the sightseeing suggestion, and for the drive.'
'Anytime,' I said, meaning it.
I looked back over to her house then back at her.
'So,' Sarah said,' we gonna get this over with?'
I creased my brow and opened my mouth to speak; but before I could Sarah had taken a step toward me, her face close to mine. I smiled and put my hands on her waist, pulling her closer, her face fell into mine and we kissed softly. Parted, then leaned in again, kissing deeply. I reached one of my hands to the back of her head, then pulled her into me with both hands. I felt Sarah's arms slide up my arms and to the top of my shoulders, wrapping them around me. Her kisses were worth waiting for, and I didn't let them stop.

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