Chapter 3.

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I awoke feeling groggy the next morning, in a tangle of bedsheets and pillows. I stretched myself out, yawning, the sun's beams filled my room. Yawning again I reached over to my phone, 10am. What an awesome sleep. Probably too much sleep. I coughed, hoarsely, the late nights catching up with me. Slowly I sat up, sitting on the side of the bed, my blonde hair a mess of curls as I'd gone to bed with it wet. I yawned a third time, my eyes filling with morning tears. I wiped them and wandered over to my wardrobe pulling out a set of clothes for the day, comfortable sweat pants and a striped tee. Perfect for my trip down to the market & for that croissant I hadn't forgotten about.

I had walked down to my local market, it was a perfect morning for it. I picked up some items for a homemade dinner, a few bottles of fresh juice, snacks and a bagful of croissants, chocolate ones. As I was heading back down my street I could see a car pull up in the driveway next to mine, Sarah. The leggy brunette parked and got out, still in those damn little shorts. As she closed the car door she turned, I caught her eye and waved with a smile.
'Morning Kate' she greeted spritely as I neared my residence. Sarah began trying to pull out a box from the back seat. I hurried over to my porch to drop my purchases.
'Here, leme help,' I said eagerly, crossing the small patch of grass that separated our properties.
'Thanks, that'd be great.' Sarah said as she waited for me to come over.
'I'm an illustrator, I had to go pick up supplies,' the brunette explained as I helped her with the mammoth box. We carried it haphazardly towards her front door, Sarah instructing for it to just be set down on the porch. I looked at my watch, it was nearing midday. Sarah wiped her brow, the rays of the sun bright and warm.
'Wanna come over for some more water?' I asked with a laugh, ' I bought some croissants too, they're chocolate.'
Sarah smiled, 'I'm famished, that would be great!'
We headed back over to my house, I scooped up my shopping and let us in, heading straight to the kitchen, Sarah helped me unpack as we chatted.
I handed her a paper bag, containing the croissants, she graciously took one, taking a bite, 'Ohhhh so good!' she murmured, handing the bag back to me, tilting it for me to take a pastry. I pulled one out, 'Sure, I'll have another,' I said with a wink. Sarah just smiled.
'So what are your plans for the weekend?' she asked. I continued putting groceries away, and grabbed a couple of glasses, 'I have fresh juice if you prefer?' Sarah shook her head, 'Water is fine.'
'No plans as such, I want to have a relaxing weekend. Maybe just do what I feel like doing if something comes to mind. You?'
Sarah nodded as I handed her a drink, and she watched me open my bottle of juice.
'Same, I have a bit of unpacking to do but I'm pretty much going to be working for myself, at home so I'll have plenty of time to finish that.'
I nodded. Suddenly noticing how beautiful my new neighbour was, her eyes, luscious locks and fit body. Not that she was probably looking at me in the same way, but Sarah had made coming home that little bit better. Plus I was intrigued about her, this Fresh Start she was planning, I was hoping I might just get an explanation and maybe even enjoy more glasses of water with her.

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