Chapter 12.

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We awoke cuddled in each other's arms. The night had been exhilarating. I'd enjoyed every moment.
Neither of us let go as we lay awake.
' I have to go to the studio soon,' I whispered croakily. Sarah just nodded and pulled me closer.
'Stay,' I whispered, 'spend the day in the city, and then I'll come back to you in the evening.'
Sarah smiled, closing her eyes, nodding.
'This is a one off,' I said, licking my dry lips.
Sarah lifted her head to look at me,'What?'
I shook my head quickly, 'No that came out wrong, I mean today is a one off, usually you'd be able to join me, but it's meetings all day. Otherwise I'd bring you into the studio with me.'
Sarah laughed, a little in relief. She put her head back down, I stroked her hair, it was glossy and soft.
'Can I at least walk you there?' Sarah questioned.
'Of course babe.'

We readied ourselves and headed out the door. Holding hands as we laughed and chatted about Sarah's plans for the day.
'Empire State building is on the list. That's 100%.'
'You will love it!' I said in response.
'Maybe I'll line up for SNL tickets this weekend.' Sarah said slyly.
'You will be in the audience for rehearsal and backstage with me for the live show,' I replied and wrapped my arm around her,'you will love it!'
Sarah grinned and planted a kiss on my cheek.
'Thank you Kate.'

We headed towards NBC and as we reached the doors I pulled Sarah into me, snuggling into her arms and kissing her neck.
'I'll miss you til tonight,' I whispered, meaning it.
'Me too baby,' Sarah responded, my heart melting.
We parted and kissed goodbye, letting our hands go at the last possible moment. I have gave her a soft wave as I headed through the doors.

Of course my day dragged, of all days. I had meetings for sketch ideas and discussions. Our brainstorming sessions were usually fun and energetic, but after my late night I had no energy left, having used it all on Sarah.
'What's up cherub?' Leslie asked me as we stopped for lunch.
'Late night,' I replied.
'Well I'm guessing you were with your woman last night.'
'Yes, I sure was....'
'Leslie, well what?'
'Well when do I meet her?'
I laughed.
'Well I've invited her this weekend.'
'Gurrrlll, backstage with us?'
'Yes.' I nodded, 'It's a new show and I told her she could watch rehearsal and then come backstage for the live show.'
Leslie took a bite of her sandwich, offering me some. I shook my head and continued with my box of noodles.
'You have never brought someone to a live show so soon!' Leslie said between mouthfuls.
'I know,' I replied, flicking my hair over my shoulders and taking another mouthful.
'She must be pretty wonderful.'
I nodded,'She is,' I smiled.

I had costume fittings to end my day, and I sighed as I looked at my trolley, full of outfits. I began taking my clothes off and putting outfits on. The Wardrobe girls pinned and adjusted the clothing, chatting about the upcoming live show. My mind began to wander, thinking of Sarah and hoping she was having a good time. I'd barely had a chance to contact her, and part of me didn't want to as I knew it would end up being a text conversation and I wasn't going to have adequate time to give to her.

Finally my last outfit was pulled off and hung back up. I slunk onto a nearby sofa in Wardrobe and dialled Sarah.
'Kate, babe?'
'Sarah, I'm literally finished.'
It was nearing six o'clock.
'Great! I'm not too far from the studio, want me to meet you there?'
'Please. I will be out the front in about ten minutes.'
'Mmmkay, see you soon.'
I hung up and breathed in deeply, exhaling my exhaustion. I said goodbye to the girls that were packing up trolleys and sewing kits and headed toward the hallway that adjoined to our dressing room area. Leslie was seated on a stool, talking into her phone, she asked the caller to hold for a moment and tilted the speaker away from her mouth, covering it with her hand.
'You get some rest tonight,' Leslie said with a grin, 'no loving for Miss Sarah tonight.'
I smiled and gave her a hug, 'Bye babe,'
'Bye doll face.'

I headed towards the exit, saying goodbye to my colleagues as I passed them, reaching the exit doors. Sarah was already waiting. I embraced her and she pulled me close for a kiss. I kissed her back deeply, I'd been waiting all day for it. We linked arms and started walking, 'Shall we grab some dinner? You hungry?' I asked. Sarah nodded.
'There's a really good diner nearby, they do all day breakfast. We could have breakfast for dinner?'
Sarah laughed,' Brinner,'
I pointed in the direction of our destination and we walked arm in arm, Sarah filling me in on her day, the beautiful woman I was lucky to have only just met.

'So when are you coming back to the State?' Sarah asked me as we sat next to each other in a booth. So different from the days earlier when we were sitting opposite each other, our friendship blossoming.
'I'll be back Wednesday night,' I replied, waving over a waitress.
'Come straight to mine,' Sarah said as a young girl walked over to take our order.
I snickered, 'Babe, you live next door.'
Sarah laughed, pausing only to request her meal of poached eggs on toast, with a side of bacon. I laughed too and told the waitress to make it two orders and a bowl of fruit salad.
Sarah rolled her eyes at me as I thanked the server.
'You know what I mean,' she said with a laugh, playing with her napkin. I laughed again, and looked over at her, our bodies were pressed close together, and I rested my hand on her thigh. Sarah leaned her head on my shoulder, turning it slightly to lay a kiss on the top of my arm. I cradled her face with my hand, kissing the top of her head.
'I can't wait to walk across the lawn to come over to yours on Wednesday night.'
Sarah raised her head to look at me and we both burst out laughing.

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