Being nice

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Stiles pov
I got up the next morning got ready and headed to Derek's loft after everything we've been through I had mastered some tricks for whenever I got hurt and since Derek wasn't healing that meant I had to treat his wounds as if he was human 'ha to think, Derek human I wonder what he would be like if he was human'.

I finally arrive at Derek's loft I go upstairs and since of course I have a key for everything so I unlock the door and walk in assuming he'll be asleep, I then get slammed against the wall "oh stiles sorry I didn't know it was yo- hold on how did you get a key to my house" he scowls at me I sigh and open my mouth to answer "wait did you just say your sorry?" I ask as I prosses what he just said "um I maybe?" He says turning away from me this was weird as fuck "okay? Any way I'm here to help you heal and the packs gonna be gone for a month so I'm gonna need some company other than Lydia dragging me shopping" he chuckles and I almost faint "DID YOU JUST LAUGH?" I almost scream and he hides his face "omg ok what's wrong? Why are you being nice?" I ask stepping closer to him he turns around shrugs it off and walks to the kitchen "you hungry?" He yells and I yell back a yes preparing my medical kit for his wounds. He walks back into the living room he scowls at me "and there's the Derek I know and love" I laugh "ok sit down we can eat and then patch you up" I say grabbing his arm and pulling him to sit next to me.

Derek's pov
We eat and then stiles took our plates to the kitchen and came back to 'patch me up' so I just tried to sit still while he took out some disinfectant "now this might sting a little maybe even more so since your not healing" he said looking me in the eye I nodded in acknowledgment not moving my gaze even when he did so he could focus on my arm I winced when he started to pour the liquid on my arm but he grabbed my shoulder soothing me "hey it's ok it's alright aaaannndddd now it's ok" he said as he stopped pouring and started to clean it and bandage me up. "Thanks stiles I um you can stay if you want I guess I mean you don't have-" he stopped me have way through my rambling "yes" he said and I tried not to grin at my self "but-" he continued "one I have nowhere to sleep and you have to tell me why your being so nice to me" he said stepping closer "I um I guess I just look stiles I know I come off as a bad guy but I'm not ok and I don't hate you, you just get on my nerves" I say walking away I turned around "and you can sleep in my bed I'll sleep on the couch" and of course being the kind and obnoxious human he is of course he argued "no I can't let you do that" I knew he wasn't gonna stop and I wasn't letting him sleep on the couch I had to be nice to him so I did the only logical thing to do "then we both sleep in the bed" I said signalling for him to follow me. We sleep not facing each other.

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