Not without me

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Stiles pov
"YOU WHAT? OH KNOW IF YOU THINK YOU ARE LEAVING ME BEHIND AGAIN YOUR MISTAKEN!!" I yelled at Scott they wanted me to stay here while then went to help Chris with something but I was not doing that again last time something happened to Scott and I felt so bad I wasn't there. "Stiles we will only be gone a month" he said this made me even madder "A MONTH!?!? Oh HELL NO" he sighed "stiles I'm sorry but we are not taking you ok I'll be fine and so will everyone else plus I'm making Derek stay since he's injured an way" I couldn't argue this anymore he had clearly made his mind up "fine but if you need any help and I mean ANY help you call me ok?" I said as my last condition "fine I promise" he said smiling as he new he had broken me "alright man well we have to leave early tomorrow and I've told Derek to expect to see you cause you know how he is even tho he needs help he won't ask for it" I smile knowing exactly what he meant "alright man well I'll see you in a month and I'll go see him tomorrow ok?" I said and gave Scott a hug "alright man see you in a month" I then closed my door and went to bed thinking about all the possible out comes of tomorrow.

Derek's pov
"What do you want Scott?" I say opening my front door "ok heres the deal we all know your injured and need help so I'm sending stiles to help you get better" I go to open my mouth but Scott puts his hand up signaling for me to stop "and I need you to protect him just in case and at least try to be nice to him he doesn't need your shit" I scowl I can't stand that kid "I'm sorry but no can do I may be able to tolerate him in pack meeting but not alone sorry" I say shutting my door but Scott stops me "I'll pay you just please he'll be here tomorrow and I need you to be nice" I raise my head at the word 'pay' "how much?" I say now interested "$60?" He says I think for a second "$150" for the month and it's a deal" I say shaking Scotts hand "deal" he responds, now I just have to figure out how I'm gonna deal with this spastic kid let alone be nice to him.

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